Hello Anne,

I am able to find headings in Pages with vo-command-s and vo-shift-command-s.   
I don’t know why that doesn’t seem to work for everyone.

The problem with monitoring a hotspot on the paragraph styles button is that it 
appears they set the accessibility description to something other than what the 
button title says.  It is an example of them seemingly not understanding how 
their own accessibility system is supposed to work.  The accessibility 
description should never be set on a standard element with a text title.  It 
would take them seconds to correct that.  You may want to update your bug 
report with this.

On Mar 22, 2014, at 11:41 AM, Anne Robertson <a...@anarchie.org.uk> wrote:

Although there have been a lot of improvements in accessibility in Pages for 
Mavericks, most of the VO find commands still don’t work. So find next heading, 
find next link, find next bold text, find next text with same attributes, and 
so on, still don’t work in Pages.

Something that’s worse in the new Pages is the inability to set a hotspot on 
the paragraph style and check it without jumping to the formatter.

I submitted a bug report about this stuff some years ago so I suppose I’d 
better do it again, for what it’s worth. I don’t think there are enough of us 
using Pages with VO to have much impact.



On 22 Mar 2014, at 16:01, Chris Blouch <cblo...@aol.com> wrote:

> I'm on OSX 10.8.5 so my Pages isn't the latest but I can reproduce the 
> problem. Pages knows stuff is a heading when I set it from the toolbar 
> because I can insert a table of contents and it will pull those headings into 
> the list with page numbers. In the document inspector under the TOC tab it 
> notes that headings are present in my document. I can also do a vo-command-h 
> to jump to headings but it says no headings found, which is not true. This 
> sounds like a bug where Apple just didn't hook up the standard heading finder 
> in VO to the headings in Pages. In the TOC tab of the document inspector 
> there is a checkbox that says you can make the page numbers in the table of 
> contents links but I wasn't able to even find the page numbers, not to 
> mention action them to jump somewhere on a page. At least VO-Command-L said 
> link not found. So that sounds like another bug. Do these issue exist in 
> Mavericks with the latest pages?
> CB
> On 3/22/14 7:39 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been playing with Pages after our recent discussion of the app. So far, 
>> I'm really impressed, but there's one thing that disappoints me: headings. 
>> Specifically, I see no way to be informed of headings, let alone move by 
>> them in a document. Am I missing something, or is this simply not possible? 
>> VoiceOver simply identifies headings as bold, 30-point text, yet those using 
>> MS Office can see where a heading is and even jump to headings for very 
>> efficient document navigation. Is such a thing possible on the Mac?
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> mehg...@icloud.com
>> -- 
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