Hi Esther,

Thanks for this.  I installed it, and this bit was reasonably  
accessible.  However, yet again the icon doesn't show up with VO.  It  
does look a better option though.

On 2 Sep 2009, at 02:03, Esther wrote:

> Hello Dónal,
> A bit of searching brought up another app that works with OpenVPN  
> called Viscosity.  It seems to have very good reviews at macupdate:
> http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/27875
> There's a 30-day free trial, information about how to automatically  
> import Tunnelblick settings (automatically detected the first time  
> you run Viscosity -- you're asked if you'd like to import the  
> Tunnelblick settings and you just click yes), and the application is  
> Apple Scriptable, so even if you run into a problematic service menu  
> icon you can still configure all the functions the way I did for  
> Caffeine. According to the macupdate user reports, the developer is  
> very responsive.  If, after 30 days, you decide to purchase this  
> app, it's only $9 (US).  Worth a shot?  I haven't tried this, but as  
> a recent Cocoa app it seems like a good prospect for an accessible  
> interface, or one that can be made so.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On September 01, 2009,  Donal Fitzpatrick wrote:
>> Hi Esther,
>> The good news about this app is that it is open source, and is
>> available under GPL.  I've downloaded the source and will take a look
>> at some stage over the next couple of weeks.
>> Cheers
>> Donal
>> On 1 Sep 2009, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Dónal,
>>> Very interesting, since I hadn't heard about Tunnelblick before.   
>>> Your
>>> email did get through. We've seen this issue of the status menu not
>>> being accessible before.  It ran all the way from the case for
>>> DropBox, where using the window chooser menu (VO-F2 twice) brought  
>>> up
>>> an option for "untitled" that rooted to the icon in the status menu
>>> bar (so you could click), to more common instances where you can't
>>> find anything.  See this post in the list archives:
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries%40googlegroups.com/msg06473.html
>>> (Apps with status bar menus that VoiceOver can't get to [was Re:
>>> Caffine application for the MAC])
>>> In the case of the Caffeine app, they provided hooks for AppleScript
>>> control (and I just realized I had the typo of an extra "s" at the  
>>> end
>>> of "application" in my command to turn the App off -- should have
>>> been:
>>> tell application "Caffeine" to turn off
>>> in case Gary needs to use this.)
>>> There's a link at the bottom of that post to a query about status  
>>> bar
>>> accessibility in the Apple Developer mailing lists:
>>> http://lists.apple.com/archives/accessibility-dev/2009/Apr/msg00007.html
>>> You might be able to get around the issue by using Mouse keys to  
>>> move
>>> along the status menu bar in the x direction, and just measure how
>>> many key presses you need to go from an icon that VoiceOver  
>>> recognizes
>>> to the one for Tunnelblick, then click with your mouse on where the
>>> icon is supposed to be and bring up the menu.
>>> Could you not try writing to the developer?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Sep 1, 2009, Donal Fitzpatrick wrote:
>>>> Hi Esther,
>>>> Actually the Tunnelblick application is the one recommended by our
>>>> sys
>>>> admins.  It doesn't seem to be accessible with vo, however that  
>>>> could
>>>> be down to my profound ignorance rather than anything else.
>>>> When launched, the application seems to put an icon into the status
>>>> menu near where the clock resides.  However, VO doesn't seem to see
>>>> it
>>>> there.  I'm continuing to play with it to see if it can be  
>>>> customised
>>>> to put the icon in the doc, but I'm not optimistic.  We'll know if
>>>> the
>>>> installation has worked if this mail gets through I guess. *smile*
>>>> Thanks for the information.
>>>> Donal
>>>> On 1 Sep 2009, at 20:25, Esther wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dónal and Jonathan,
>>>>> Isn't the built-in VPN software for the Mac under Snow Leopard  
>>>>> using
>>>>> CISCO VPN? I don't know how that meets the Open VPN requirements.
>>>>> Most VoiceOver users appear to be using Vineserver and Chicken of
>>>>> the
>>>>> VNC.  I also came across this Mac OS X Hints article with links  
>>>>> to a
>>>>> blog for doing a set up using Open VNC and a GUI interface called
>>>>> Tunnelblick. Don't know whether it's accessible, but you can try  
>>>>> it
>>>>> out:
>>>>> http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?query=configure&story=20060803032236476
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Esther
>>>>>> On Sep 1, 2009, at 7:32 AM, Dónal Fitzpatrick wrote:
>>>>>>  Hi there,
>>>>>>  In order to access some core university services from outside  
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> campus I need to find an accessible VPN client which will work  
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> OPEN
>>>>>> VPN.  Anyone any ideas?
>>>>>>  Thanks,
>>>>>>  Dónal
> >

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