Hi Dónal and Jonathan,

Isn't the built-in VPN software for the Mac under Snow Leopard using  
CISCO VPN? I don't know how that meets the Open VPN requirements.   
Most VoiceOver users appear to be using Vineserver and Chicken of the  
VNC.  I also came across this Mac OS X Hints article with links to a  
blog for doing a set up using Open VNC and a GUI interface called  
Tunnelblick. Don't know whether it's accessible, but you can try it out:




On Sep 1, 2009, Dónal Fitzpatrick wrote:

> That's great thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jonathan C. Cohn
> Sent: 01 September 2009 16:16
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: VPN client.
> There is some built in VPN software for the macintosh under the  
> network tab
> of the system preferences.  There is the ability to configure L2TP  
> over
> If this meets your university requirements, then go to the  
> Networking area
> of system preferences, click add service. select VPN as the  
> interface to
> add, select either L2TP or PPTP (SL might have additional options) and
> proceed with the other prompts.  You can probably hve  somebody at the
> University or Apple Genius Bar help you if you need it.
> Best,
> Jonathan
> On Sep 1, 2009, at 7:32 AM, Dónal Fitzpatrick wrote:
>       Hi there,
>       In order to access some core university services from outside the
> campus I need to find an accessible VPN client which will work with  
> VPN.  Anyone any ideas?
>       Thanks,
>       Dónal
>       Dr. Dónal Fitzpatrick
>       School of Computing, Dublin City University
>       Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
>       Tel. +353(0)1 700 8929
>       Fax. +353(0)1 7005442
>       Email: dfitz...@computing.dcu.ie
> >

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