I wonder if nothing else, perhaps a applescript can be written?  
Something like

1. Select songs you want to have on iPod.
2. Run the appleScript to add to iPod.

I would expect this would only be about 4 lines of AppleScript

I currently don't have a iPod to play with, but if you want me to look  
into some such tool let me know.


On Aug 18, 2009, at 12:47 AM, John André Netland wrote:

> Hi Anna,
> Here is two methods to manually add songs to your iPod. I have an iPOd
> Nano 4G and using this method with iTunes on the Mac works like a  
> charm:
> When you set up your iPOd, iTunes in some cases creates a playlist
> named (the name of your iPod)-selection. iTunes might already have
> filled this up with as much songs as your iPod have space. Anyway, if
> you wanna start from scratch, delete all the songs in this playlist.
> If this playlist is not created, just create one yourself for this
> purpose.
> In the sources list, select for example the Music library, do any
> selections in the Playlist Browser. You now have 2 options for adding
> songs:
> Method 1) Without interacting with the song list, arrow up and down
> until you find the song you want, press command-c to copy it, select
> your special iPod selection playlist from the Sources list, and press
> command-v to paste this song into the playlist.
> Method 2) Interact with the Song list and navigate to the song you
> want. Press VO-shift-M and find the "Add to playlist" option, select
> your special iPOd selection playlist from the menu.
> Finally, always make sure that this special playlist is selected in
> the list over playlists to sync with your iPod.
> This works for me, but if I have not hit the problem, please  
> excuse. ;-)
> Take care,
> John André
> On 18. aug.. 2009, at 05.51, Woody Anna Dresner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been experimenting with PCs today, and it turns out that  
>> Autofill
>> no longer exists as an option for the third generation Shuffle or the
>> 4th generation Nano in Windows either. Furthermore, I can't copy and
>> paste anything to either of these iPods either on a Mac or a PC. When
>> I copy a track and focus on the iPod's name or the Music subcategory,
>> Paste is not an available option. There is also no playlist named for
>> the iPod, so using the Add to Playlist option you get when you right-
>> click a track is also not an option. As near as I can tell, it is
>> currently not possible to manage music manually on an iPod from the
>> keyboard.
>> I didn't notice this earlier because I normally sync selected
>> playlists. However, I wrote a book on the accessible iPods a few
>> months ago, and I'm in the process of updating it, so I need to
>> explore all the options. I am really surprised the manual music
>> management options have been removed. It's a great loss in
>> functionality.
>> Best,
>> Anna
> >

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