Hello I am changing the subject so the orriginal thread doesn't get  
off topic
but the mention of garage band braught to mind another question I have  
been wanting to ask for quite a while
what can i use to replace garage band?
I am in to music looping, remixing tunes with loops and also making my  
own stuff with loops
Îany suggestions
On Aug 4, 2009, at 6:36 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

> And for the most part Scott I'm With ya.  The two things I can't
> defend Apple over though, are when products like Garage band 09 come
> out and take a backward step in accessibility, or when products that
> have been launched way after VO such as mobile me aren't totally
> accessible.  If anyone can appease me I'd love to be appeased, or
> perhaps if you've got a ton of more technical knowledge and can break
> it down into dumby speak I'd love to be tought.  At the moment the
> best I can come up with is that access isn't nearly as easy for
> developers as it's made out to be or surely it'd be there.  Either
> that or Apple are employing coders who don't follow their own
> guidelines.  Who knows, either way it really gets my goat when it
> happens.
> On 8/4/09, Scott Howell <s.how...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> Although I'm disappointed as well, I am sure they will follow-through
>> on getting it done.  I think the more noise, the more likely  
>> attention
>> will be given to the issue.  At the same time, lets not throw out the
>> baby with the bath water.  Apple may not have accomplished all we  
>> want
>> today, but quite honestly, they have made a good start and have  
>> done a
>> great deal.  What exactly drives the determination as to which
>> products get accessibility attention first is probably more a fair
>> question.  In other words, it seems a a little hit or miss, but could
>> be driven by schedule, resources, etc.  Oh and no this does not give
>> Apple an excuse or let them off the hook, I'm just saying.
>> On Aug 4, 2009, at 6:13 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote:
>>> At the risk of coming across as slightly standoff-ish, does anybody
>>> else think that this situation and reply is a bit of a sham?  There
>>> wasn't even a mention of iWeb, and both products have been updated
>>> recently enough for improvements to be made surely.  It's not like
>>> these are old smalltime products on a dusty old shelf somewhere with
>>> no development time being put into them, Apple markets the hell  
>>> out of
>>> these and makes them into big selling points to buy their hardware  
>>> and
>>> make the switch.  It's like "knock knock, who's there, oh it's  
>>> just a
>>> third party developer who doesn't see the need to do anything about
>>> access because even Apple themselves don't bother with it that  
>>> much in
>>> their flagship products".
>>> Yes it's ranty, no it's not polite and probably it's not productive,
>>> but frankly neither am I anywhere near as productive as I should  
>>> be by
>>> now in Mac OS, and Apple not practicing what they preach is  
>>> becoming a
>>> key reason for that.
>>> Scott
>>> On 8/4/09, Marie Howarth <marie.jane2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I thought you guys might be interested in this response I got from
>>>> apple.
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> From: Accessibility <accessibil...@apple.com>
>>>>> Date: August 4, 2009 6:09:13 AM BST
>>>>> To: Marie Howarth <marie.jane2...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Subject: Re: mobile me and Iweb
>>>>> Hi Marie:
>>>>> Thank you for your interest in MobileMe.  As you noted, some  
>>>>> aspects
>>>>> work well with VoiceOver and others need improvement.  Because of
>>>>> this, Apple is not recommending it for VO users even though some
>>>>> features may work well.  We are working to enhance MobileMe but do
>>>>> not have a schedule or date we can offer.   When this situation
>>>>> changes, we will be sure to note it on the Apple accessibility web
>>>>> page.
>>>>> On Aug 2, 2009, at 7:09 AM, Marie Howarth wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I was just wondering as I am using voice over and a trial of  
>>>>>> mobile
>>>>>> me if there were going to be huge accessibility changes in that
>>>>>> particular area soon? I have successfully kept my iphone and mac
>>>>>> synced with mobile me and have started to use the idisc  
>>>>>> feature. I
>>>>>> would love to pay for a yearly subscription but am a little
>>>>>> uncertain whether to do this at this present moment with so many
>>>>>> things reading as images on the website and certain features
>>>>>> unavailable purely due to an accessibility issue.
>>>>>> Also, Iweb would be a great tool for me as I manage several
>>>>>> websites. Are there any ways I can use this application at all?
>>>>>> Looking at it, it seems like it is not possible to do a lot of
>>>>>> things here at the present moment.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Marie
> >

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