Hi James,
I found the article referenced and the discussion on "This Week in  
Tech" (TWIT), podcasted on the 12th of this month, rather interesting.

Objectively, it can be said that by blocking the Pre, Apple is  
practicing the same anti-competitive monopolistic behavior  
characteristic of Microsoft throughout the mid to late 90s.  And that  
would be a valid argument.

However, as with most things, the devil is in the details.  Apple is  
vertically consolidated, to the degree that it is able to control the  
quality of its products and the environment in which it is used by its  
customers.  It is a level of quality assurance that Microsoft, Palm,  
Dell, LeNovo and other major competitors are unable to match.

The article points out that Apple had warned they would no longer  
support media sync for non-ipod digital audio devices.  And why should  
they?  As such, Apple would be expected to support devices that would  
not be under their sphere of control.  I think it is Apple's sense (on  
which I would completely agree) that it is better to produce and  
maintain a seemless but highly functional echo system of products and  
services that consistently work, and where thusly the issue of choice  
in third party products in line with that echo system is rendered moot.

Palm argues that Apple is cutting its nose to spite its face.  I doubt  
it.  I think a large part of why people would choose a Palm over an  
iPhone is because they would be working from the notion that the  
iPhone would be insufficient in meeting business needs, i.e., iPhones  
are for any old consumers, Palms and Blackberries are for serious  
people.  I think that perception will soon change; and Palm will once  
again be in a difficult position after having resigned themselves to  
the reality of things.  The iTunes/iPod/iPhone is one of the most  
popular consumer platforms of electronic products and services, and  
whining about it ain't gonna get you anywhere.


On 17 Jul 2009, at 23:03, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> From the BBC website:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8155795.stm
> Take care
> james
> >

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