El 15/03/2009, a las 5:36, Justin Harford escribió:

> As well I forgot to mention, in response to John's question, the URL
> where the voice samples for the shuffle may be found.  As a matter of
> fact there are quite a number of languages supported, not just
> Spanish, which gives some positive hope for non-english speakers in
> the future.

thanks for the URI
> There are a number of samples on that page.  Apple do mention that
> this multilengual voice is part of the actual voiceover package.
> Blog posts like john's are great for getting the word out

thanks. I use my blog to give alternatives to blind users. I try to  
explain other tecnologies different of windows.
I'm an accessibility and new tecnologies consultant and developper but  
in my free time I try to spread knowledge about accessibility and  
My blog is for my free time and I write in spanish because it is more  
confortable for me.

I'll try to write any articles in english in my blog.

> I wonder
> if we couldn't solicit the help of organizations like "proyecto
> visión"" which seem to be connected to the spanish speaking community
> in the United States at least.  I would also maybe think of contacting
> ONCE "organización nacional de cigos españoles"  in Spain to get them
> to promote this.

Well, I haven't got political power in ONCE organization but I know  
people who has this power.
I can talk about the macintosh world and accessibility issues. But I  
don't know what can I explain to ONCE organization exactly because I  
can make demos about accessibility in mac but ONCE wants to deal with  
somebody from Apple or other blind organizations.
I can play the intermediate role between ONCE and Apple, since I know  
the ONCE organization and some of its people very well, but I don´t  
know anyone in Apple or any other blind organizations interested in  
this issue.

        Jonathan Chacón

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