> On Aug 29, 2017, at 18:54, db <iams...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 29 Aug 2017, at 23:24, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
>> The best practice is not to do that. We don't support it. It can cause you 
>> problems that we don't want to spend time investigating, because they 
>> wouldn't be problems if you hadn't also used a second package manager.
> You already made the same point in the list years ago.
> Could you please summarize the problems one could encounter?fr
> Aren't these actually only related to homebrew using /usr/local/?

They're related to using anything that might conflict with MacPorts, or any 
library that MacPorts uses, that's kept under /usr/local.  So it's not just 
homebrew, it's anything that installs potentially conflicting items into 

(I'm told that some commercial software like the command-line tools for 
Parallels and VirtualBox, that sadly install into /usr/local, are unlikely to 
be a problem, presumably since they're only installing script wrappers around 
binaries elsewhere (in their application bundles), or at worst binaries with 
non-conflicting names, but not libraries or other more problematic objects, in 
/usr/local.  But other things, including any commercial software that made the 
questionable choice to install libraries in /usr/local, is asking for problems.)

AFAIK (others know better), that's because it's virtually impossible to purge 
all references to /usr/local from everything that MacPorts builds (or from 
Apple-provided software and libraries that it must use, at least to build its 
own toolchain).

Therefore, it becomes just about impossible to assure that nothing will find 
the wrong version of especially libraries and shared objects from /usr/local.

The trace mode has been said to be a mostly-effective workaround, at the cost 
of a considerable performance penalty, esp. when building a port from source.

I do have a /usr/local on my boxes, but nothing I can't live without briefly is 
in it, and I move it out of the way whenever I run "port install" or "port 
upgrade".  If I don't, I have problems too.  Ideally I'd clean out from there 
anything that doesn't really have to be in there, but I'd have to put up with 
some breakage until I tracked down everything that has problematic files in 
there, and rebuilt it to use e.g. /opt/site or something like that instead of 
(like most typical ./configure; make builds) defaulting to /usr/local.

/usr/local is a legacy dumping ground for stuff that''s probably not from the 
OS vendor - ideally, stuff that's site-specific only, not commercial or 
prepackaged software, but there are those who violate that rule.  But a single 
dumping ground clearly will have conflicts; the newer, safer convention is 
distinct subdirectories of /opt, for each package or set of commonly managed 
packages; thus, MacPorts by default uses /opt/local, XQuartz uses /opt/X11 (for 
the stuff that's not elsewhere), etc.

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