The path to Haskell is paved with good intentions—there’s a ticket for this now 
because pandoc stopped building on some older systems after I specified stack 
as the build tool:

Back to cabal.

> On Jan 25, 2023, at 11:29 AM, Ken Cunningham 
> <> wrote:
> Stack from MacPorts doesn’t build on snow leopard, and I don’t recall it ever 
> built in previous years.
> The port health page can be pretty misleading, to be honest.
> You can get a much better idea of what is really building here:
> Ken
>> On Jan 25, 2023, at 7:27 AM, Steven Smith <> wrote:
>> I’d recommend starting with the low-hanging fruit. These are all stack-based 
>> builds, and stack can build itself back to Snow Leopard: 
>> Why doesn’t stack-based pandoc also build back to Snow Leopard? Is this a 
>> MacPorts issue or a Haskell-world issue?
>>> On Jan 24, 2023, at 11:56, Ken Cunningham <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> At least some of the buildbot ghc builds might be fixable — one of them 
>>> failed due to a missing png-config I believe, for example.
>>> Because of the way upstream builds ghc on macos, their older system support 
>>> has become more limited. They use homebrew, and current systems, with an 
>>> older deployment target set. This has become less viable to run on older 
>>> systems as time goes by.
>>> It is possible to build up from older versions of ghc on an older system, 
>>> however… and by doing that, with a couple of tiny patches, for strnlen etc, 
>>> and stepping up system by system, up to the current ghc 9.4.4 runs as far 
>>> back as 10.6 at least, and maybe could be made to work on 10.5 Intel.
>>> i386 builds had bitrotted last I tried, as had ppc builds, so I gave up on 
>>> those arches.
>>> Once you have ghc, you can bootstrap a build of cabal-install from the 
>>> bootstrap folder in their git repo. Legacy-support is required. I have 
>>> several current cabal versions running back to 10.6 anyway, though, that 
>>> could be used instead of bootstrapping cabal. These are available in the 
>>> repo below.
>>> Once you have cabal, you can build a version of stack using cabal from the 
>>> stack git repo. Because of the way stack downloads current ghc versions 
>>> from upstream, much of stack won’t be usable anyway, although you can 
>>> override the ghc selected (works), add legacy-support, and sometimes it 
>>> will build something that cabal won’t build.
>>> Then you can build most of what you want, like pandoc and shellcheck. There 
>>> will be occasional minor patches needed to “cbits” parts, though, in some 
>>> packages.
>>> I have this working locally, but have not Portfiled it. Binaries and some 
>>> initial instructions are here:
>>> I did find one minor hiccup building something on 10.7 one time, where the 
>>> emutls symbol used on 10.6 for TLS was not found when building something 
>>> using TLS on 10.7. I didn’t sort that out as yet.
>>> Is it something that could be Portfiled? Sure, anything can be. I haven’t 
>>> approached that as yet.
>>> Perhaps it would be acceptable to make the binaries of pandoc and 
>>> shellcheck that run on older systems available? Usually this is not 
>>> considered OK, but ..
>>> I’ll work on it some more as I get time. Building the most current pandoc 
>>> is stuck at the moment as it uses Template Haskell in one of its support 
>>> packages, and there is a linker error occurring related to that.
>>> Debugging the builds of ghc software is harder than clang or gcc builds… 
>>> everything is quite different, often.
>>> Ken

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