I recently added legacy-based support to pandoc, but I’m not sure that the code 
I used is working. I’ll issue a revised PR based on any feedback and use a 
working version for other GHC-based projects.

I used this 
 code to force stack-based builds on macOS versions that predate Apple Silicon. 
After Apple Silicon, we need cabal-based builds for native binaries.

> set arm64_minimum_supported_major_version 20
> if {${os.platform} eq {darwin}
>     && ${os.major} < ${arm64_minimum_supported_major_version}} {
>     # use stack to build x86_64 binaries
>     default_variants-append \
>                     +stack
> }

stack-based stack builds work all the way back to Snow Leopard: 
https://ports.macports.org/port/stack/details/. I’d expect the same of pandoc, 
but it only builds back to Sierra: 

Is anyone able to suggest profile code that will accomplish this? Is this 
related to the design choice to use a the port variant +stack to specify the 
build tool?

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