On 5/19/21 2:44 PM, Rainer Müller wrote:
On 19/05/2021 20.25, Andrew Janke wrote:
Have you considered using ZNC or another IRC "bouncer"? It'll retain and
replay history for you so you can get offline messages and have a
consistent message history between computers and devices. Pretty easy to
install if you have a Linux server somewhere, and hardly uses any resources.
I am also using ZNC myself. It definitely makes the experience with IRC
better, but the effort is shifted to the individual user. Even having
access to a server to self-host a bouncer is not common.
With RocketChat as an example, everyone gets these features out of the
box without taking additional action.
I agree: running ZNC yourself is for advanced users, and is a barrier to
entry. Having this stuff out of the box for all users is better.