On 2019-04-01 11:39, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> Cyril: what's your desired destination for such work? I would suggest
> placing the repositories on either
>     https://framagit.org/upt
> or create a repository under
>     https://github.com/macports-gsoc
> and do the pull request and code review on either of these places
> (just one though), and once the review is done, try to make some
> release (even if a beta one) if that part of the code is ready. Cyril,
> do you have a github account?

I do have a Github account https://github.com/Steap .

I would love for the MacPorts backend to be maintained by the MacPorts
community, so basically, it could live wherever you want :) As for the
NPM backend, it could live in framagit. I really don't mind if
everything goes to github.com/macports-gsoc during GSoC.

> Renee (or anyone else from this list who's familiar with writing
> portfiles etc.), could you please assist in testing the resulting
> packages and providing feedback from the MacPorts point of view?
> What I would like to suggest is for Karan to try to submit a PR for a
> new port py-upt (except that this might be a bit tricky at this point
> before the macports backend is included; thus the suggestion to make a
> beta release).

I think it should not be too hard to release upt-macports 0.1. Then
Karan could install upt, upt-pypi and upt-macports using pip, and
package them using upt itself. 


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