On 11 Jul 2017, at 23:35, Joshua Root <j...@macports.org> wrote: > The attached script will find any Portfiles that are not referenced by any > installed port, and are thus safe to delete. It uses the same check that is > done during uninstall so I'm still not sure how they are getting left behind.
Thanks for the script. It removed almost all the unreferenced portfiles and I cleaned up some empty directories, but still left 15 for ports that are not installed (diff'ed /opt/local/var/macports/registry/portfiles/ and /opt/local/var/macports/software/). MPREGPF=/opt/local/var/macports/registry/portfiles/ ./find_unreferenced_portfiles.tcl | while read LINE ; do sudo rm -r $MPREGPF$LINE ; done ls $MPREGPF | \ while read LINE ; \ do [[ $(ls $MPREGPF$LINE | wc -l | xargs) == 0 ]] \ && sudo rm -r $MPREGPF$LINE ; done Is it safe to delete the rest? I haven't manually checked the reg db yet.