Hi José,
I had not realised that you are on Ubuntu.  If you are willing to switch 
keyboard layouts to Spanish as needed it is fairly easy to set up keyboards in 
the command area (or whatever it is called correctly) where things like battery 
status volume control etc is and just do a quick switch as needed. 

 That in fact is how I got the  é for your name above; I just switched from a 
US English layout to a Canadian French layout.  Mind you I have a Canadian 
keyboard layout with English and French lettering so it is really easy to do 
this. I don't know how different the Spanish layouts are from English.

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 4:17:44 PM, José Alejandro Lugo García 
<jal...@uci.cu> wrote:
Hi Scot:
Thanks for quick reply. For example: when I press accent + e, a normal e 
without accent shows up. My keyboard map settings are set to "Es" at the top 
right corner on the Ubuntu 12.04 Unity taskbar. About PPA, regrettably I have 
no access from here. Only repositories for Ubuntu LTS from my work. Meantime 
I'm thinking about to use the Windows version of Lyx. Hopefully when Ubuntu 
14.04 finally released I
 will have access to the latest versión of Lyx from its repositories right?

I Conferencia Científica Internacional UCIENCIA 2014 en la UCI del 24 al 26 de 
abril de 2014, La Habana, Cuba. Ver uciencia.uci.cu  

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