On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 2:41 PM, José Alejandro Lugo García

> Sorry for my previous message with no subject.
> Using Lyx 2.0.2 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Spanish keyboard setting. Until
> now I have not been able to write with accent. I'm still looking in many
> posts on the Lyx Forum and Internet but nothing. Strangely this is not a
> problem with Lyx 2.0.2 installation I use on Windows 7 where I can press
> the accent + vocal key and get the result with the speed that I desire.
> Any suggestions? Is this problem maybe resolved on Lyx latest version
> released for Ubuntu 14.04?
> Best regards.

Hi José, I can you be more specific? What exactly do you press and what
shows up? For example, when you press accent + e, nothing shows up in LyX?
Or it shows up but gives an error when you compile? Or a normal e without
accent shows up?

This works fine for me on Ubuntu. You might want to try the LyX Ubuntu PPA
to try the latest version:

Also, I've never had a need for it, but perhaps the keyboard map settings
in Preferences > Editing > Keyboard/Mouse are relevant.



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