On Saturday 11 January 2014 16:23:41 stefano franchi wrote:
> >  On Saturday 11 January 2014 11:25:43 Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Two questions:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > How can I find out the version of these?
> for biber type
> biber --version

it is 1.6

> at a prompt
> for biblatex, the easier way is to look at the latex log. Whn biblatex
> is loaded (at the beginning of the log) it will tell you the version

 biblatex 2013/05/01 v2.6

> How can I find out, that they are used by lyx
> If you have multiple versions of biber, it may get complicated. It all
> depends on your PATH variable, but there are additional complications if
> you start lyx from  the GUI. If you start lyx from the command line
> (recommended), then lyx will find the biber program whose version you
> saw with "biber --version" and which is located in the output of "which
> biber". If you start it from the GUI (double-clicking on a lyx file,
> using the F2 shortcut in Kde, etcetera), it all depends on how you set
> up KDE. I never got the hang of it, to be frank, so I always start it
> from the command line.
so do I

Thanks, Stefano, will try later.


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