On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 5:17 AM, Julio Rojas <jcredbe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So, two things: something called "mint" is not found, nor is maple.
> Nevertheless, if I run Maple from the command line it runs perfectly.

mint appears to be a part of Maple:

Judging from LyX's code (see MathExtern.cpp), LyX is just using mint
to make sure that the string is correct syntax:

lyxerr << "checking expr: '" << expr << "'" << endl;
string out = captureOutput("mint -i 1 -S -s -q -q", expr + ';');
if (out.empty())
break; // expression syntax is ok

> Are
> there two PATH variables, one for the  terminal and one for the Ubuntu
> graphic environment? May be this is the problem.

There should be only one PATH. It is inherited from the parent
process. It is possible that the parents have different paths. To
check this you could start LyX from the same terminal that you ran
maple from (which you said succeeded), as opposed to starting LyX from
a menu which would lead to a different parent.

I don't think I'm going to be of much help since I only use Maxima.

Good luck,


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