On 2013-10-03, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 5:02 AM, Guenter Milde <mi...@users.sf.net> wrote:
>> On 2013-10-03, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>>> Thanks for the confirmation. I started a thread on lyx-devel.
>>> Hopefully there's an easy way to have pdfTeX and XeTeX working. Note
>>> that if I remove the following lines from the preamble, export with
>>> XeTeX
>>> works fine (but pdfTeX is broken):

>>> \DeclareInputText{176}{\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi}
>>> \DeclareInputText{183}{\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi}

>> There is a simple fix: move the offending lines into the

>> \ifpdf
>> \fi

>> block.

>> However, the right way is to remove the lines as well as the
>> section in the guide, because it is no longer true. Since several versions,
>> LYXDIR/unicodesymbols contains the required definitions for text and math
>> mode.

> I prefer the right way. So you suggest to remove the two
> DeclareInputText commands and to remove all of the section
> "Miscellaneous special Characters" ?

> After I do that, I get errors because of the € symbol. After I remove
> those occurrences, XeTeX and pdfTeX both export fine. There is an
> entry in unicodesymbols for the euro. Is this a different euro?

The \texteuro macro is provided by the "textcomp" package.

A quick and dirty fix would be to set the "force" flag so that the textcomp
package is auto-loaded. However, this is an overkill as this would also
replace the Euro (€) character with the \texteuro macro which is not
required for the TeX input encodings 
utf8, ansinew, cp1250, cp1252, cp1257, cp858, latin10, and latin9 

A "force-preamble" flag that only forces loading the preamble code without
forcing the replacement could solve the issue. For the "textcomp" feature
this regards the characters
    # recognized with 'utf8', if textcomp is loaded
    textcomp = {
        # Latin-1 Supplement
        0x00a2: ur'\textcent{}',          # ¢ CENT SIGN
        0x00a4: ur'\textcurrency{}',      # ¤ CURRENCY SYMBOL
        0x00a5: ur'\textyen{}',           # ¥ YEN SIGN
        0x00a6: ur'\textbrokenbar{}',     # ¦ BROKEN BAR
        0x00a7: ur'\textsection{}',       # § SECTION SIGN
        0x00a8: ur'\textasciidieresis{}', # ¨ DIAERESIS
        0x00a9: ur'\textcopyright{}',     # © COPYRIGHT SIGN
        0x00aa: ur'\textordfeminine{}',   # ª FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR
        0x00ac: ur'\textlnot{}',          # ¬ NOT SIGN
        0x00ae: ur'\textregistered{}',    # ® REGISTERED SIGN
        0x00af: ur'\textasciimacron{}',   # ¯ MACRON
        0x00b0: ur'\textdegree{}',        # ° DEGREE SIGN
        0x00b1: ur'\textpm{}',            # ± PLUS-MINUS SIGN
        0x00b2: ur'\texttwosuperior{}',   # ² SUPERSCRIPT TWO
        0x00b3: ur'\textthreesuperior{}', # ³ SUPERSCRIPT THREE
        0x00b4: ur'\textasciiacute{}',    # ´ ACUTE ACCENT
        0x00b5: ur'\textmu{}',            # µ MICRO SIGN
        0x00b6: ur'\textparagraph{}',     # ¶ PILCROW SIGN # != \textpilcrow
        0x00b9: ur'\textonesuperior{}',   # ¹ SUPERSCRIPT ONE
        0x00ba: ur'\textordmasculine{}',  # º MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR
        0x00bc: ur'\textonequarter{}',    # 1/4 FRACTION
        0x00bd: ur'\textonehalf{}',       # 1/2 FRACTION
        0x00be: ur'\textthreequarters{}', # 3/4 FRACTION
        0x00d7: ur'\texttimes{}',         # × MULTIPLICATION SIGN
        0x00f7: ur'\textdiv{}',           # ÷ DIVISION SIGN
        # others
        0x0192: ur'\textflorin{}',        # LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK
        0x02b9: ur'\textasciiacute{}',    # MODIFIER LETTER PRIME
        0x02ba: ur'\textacutedbl{}',      # MODIFIER LETTER DOUBLE PRIME
        0x2016: ur'\textbardbl{}',        # DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE
        0x2022: ur'\textbullet{}',        # BULLET
        0x2032: ur'\textasciiacute{}',    # PRIME
        0x2033: ur'\textacutedbl{}',      # DOUBLE PRIME
        0x2035: ur'\textasciigrave{}',    # REVERSED PRIME
        0x2036: ur'\textgravedbl{}',      # REVERSED DOUBLE PRIME
        0x203b: ur'\textreferencemark{}', # REFERENCE MARK
        0x203d: ur'\textinterrobang{}',   # INTERROBANG
        0x2044: ur'\textfractionsolidus{}', # FRACTION SLASH
        0x2045: ur'\textlquill{}',        # LEFT SQUARE BRACKET WITH QUILL
        0x2046: ur'\textrquill{}',        # RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET WITH QUILL
        0x2052: ur'\textdiscount{}',      # COMMERCIAL MINUS SIGN
        0x20a1: ur'\textcolonmonetary{}', # COLON SIGN
        0x20a3: ur'\textfrenchfranc{}',   # FRENCH FRANC SIGN
        0x20a4: ur'\textlira{}',          # LIRA SIGN
        0x20a6: ur'\textnaira{}',         # NAIRA SIGN
        0x20a9: ur'\textwon{}',           # WON SIGN
        0x20ab: ur'\textdong{}',          # DONG SIGN
        0x20ac: ur'\texteuro{}',          # EURO SIGN
        0x20b1: ur'\textpeso{}',          # PESO SIGN
        0x20b2: ur'\textguarani{}',       # GUARANI SIGN
        0x2103: ur'\textcelsius{}',       # DEGREE CELSIUS
        0x2116: ur'\textnumero{}',        # NUMERO SIGN
        0x2117: ur'\textcircledP{}',      # SOUND RECORDING COYRIGHT
        0x211e: ur'\textrecipe{}',        # PRESCRIPTION TAKE
        0x2120: ur'\textservicemark{}',   # SERVICE MARK
        0x2122: ur'\texttrademark{}',     # TRADE MARK SIGN
        0x2126: ur'\textohm{}',           # OHM SIGN
        0x2127: ur'\textmho{}',           # INVERTED OHM SIGN
        0x212e: ur'\textestimated{}',     # ESTIMATED SYMBOL
        0x2190: ur'\textleftarrow{}',     # LEFTWARDS ARROW
        0x2191: ur'\textuparrow{}',       # UPWARDS ARROW
        0x2192: ur'\textrightarrow{}',    # RIGHTWARDS ARROW
        0x2193: ur'\textdownarrow{}',     # DOWNWARDS ARROW
        0x2212: ur'\textminus{}',         # MINUS SIGN
        0x2217: ur'\textasteriskcentered{}', # ASTERISK OPERATOR
        0x221a: ur'\textsurd{}',          # SQUARE ROOT
        0x2422: ur'\textblank{}',         # BLANK SYMBOL
        0x25e6: ur'\textopenbullet{}',    # WHITE BULLET
        0x25ef: ur'\textbigcircle{}',     # LARGE CIRCLE
        0x266a: ur'\textmusicalnote{}',   # EIGHTH NOTE
        0x26ad: ur'\textmarried{}',       # MARRIAGE SYMBOL
        0x26ae: ur'\textdivorced{}',      # DIVORCE SYMBOL
        0x27e8: ur'\textlangle{}',        # MATHEMATICAL LEFT ANGLE BRACKET
        0x27e9: ur'\textrangle{}',        # MATHEMATICAL RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET

Many of these already carry the "force" flag in unicodesymbols.


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