On 2013-10-03, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> Thanks for the confirmation. I started a thread on lyx-devel.
> Hopefully there's an easy way to have pdfTeX and XeTeX working. Note
> that if I remove the following lines from the preamble, export with
> XeTeX
> works fine (but pdfTeX is broken):

> \DeclareInputText{176}{\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi}
> \DeclareInputText{183}{\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi}

There is a simple fix: move the offending lines into the



However, the right way is to remove the lines as well as the
section in the guide, because it is no longer true. Since several versions,
LYXDIR/unicodesymbols contains the required definitions for text and math

(BTW: there are more problems with these lines: 

* they also fail if you change the input encoding of the latex source
  (e.g. Document>Settings>Language>Encoding>Unicode(utf8).
* the use of \ifmmode is problematic, the better alternative is \TextOrMath
  provided by the fixltx2e package.


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Sonderzeichen ! sonstige



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Folgende Zeichen konnten früher einmal in eine Formel nur mit Befehlen eingegebe
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Inzwischen existieren Definitionen in LYXDIR/unicodesymbols, so daß auch

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\begin_inset Formula $\text{°}\textasciicircum\_$


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Die Zeile 

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\lang ngerman


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\lang ngerman
im Vorspann macht das Dokument abhänging von einer speziellen Eingabekodierung
 und sollte entfernt werden.


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