On 1 June 2013 22:14, Jürgen Spitzmüller <sp...@lyx.org> wrote:

> Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> > I did but maybe I completely misunderstood the task. In your example the
> bib
> > entry has the key "bratmann" and the label is "Bratmann(1999)". In the
> > footnote you referenced it via the label. I understand it so that the
> user
> > don't want to have a label because I already proposed the author-year
> style
> > you used. I'll be quiet now.
> Huh? But this is only the technical ID of the label. In the output, it
> will be
> "Bratmann (1999)" in the citation and it will not ppear at all in the
> bibliography. You refered to [Bra99] which is not author-year style, but
> alphanumeric.
> Maybe the OP should export our example to PDF, then he'll see that this is
> exactly what he wants.

I finally see what could be confusing OP. Using author-year would not work
without adding in a label, and a label with the correct formatting:

Attached two files to demonstrate what OP wants and what he needs (I hope),
which is basically what Jürgen posted.


Attachment: WrongUsage.lyx
Description: Binary data

Attachment: CorrectUsage.lyx
Description: Binary data

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