> $$r The full path to the original LyX file being processed, e.g. > D:/Documents/LyX/
Is this supported in Windows? I tried to update my LaTeX (pdflatex) -> PDF (pdflatex) converter to specify the output directory (to overcome the problem in my other thread); so it is specified as this: pdflatex -output-directory $$r $$i I get this error: 17:50:13.853: Previewing ... 17:50:13.854: (buffer-view: Ctrl+R) 17:50:14.011: pdflatex -output-directory $$r "example_raw.tex" 17:50:14.026: pdflatex: The specified directory does not exist. 17:50:14.026: pdflatex: Data: <path>\Temp\lyx_tmpdir.gq5004\lyx_tmpbuf2\$$r Many thanks, Steve