On 05/07/2013 10:17 AM, Stephen Brooking wrote:

I have specified a new converter to convert Visio drawings into PDF (using
some VBScript borrowed from elsewhere on the web), but have run into issues.
  My converter is specified like this:

cscript <path>/vsd2pdf.vbs "$$i" "$$o"

When Visio runs, it can't access the file to convert because the current
directory is not the temp directory that LyX created (I'm not familiar
enough with VBScript to know why or where).

So my question is this: is there a '$$' variable that specifies the
temporary directory in use, so that I can form an absolute path to the $$i
and $$o files?

No, but you should not need this. LyX ought to be running the converter in the temporary directory, but perhaps the cscript thingy resets the current directory?


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