On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 5:30 AM, Mark Dalphin
<mark.dalp...@pacificedge.co.nz> wrote:
> If I change my work order and paste-special into a "Standard" paragraph, it
> looks alright, but then selection of those lines and conversion to a "Chunk"
> paragraph yields a similar output: one good, chunk line, a blank line plus
> several lines in the following "Standard" paragraph.
One more reason why Chunk Styles are not suitable for coding.

> Trying Yihui's ERT format seemed to paste correctly, however, I am left
> wondering then "in what kind of paragraph" should the ERT exist. Just as a
To be safe, 'Plain'. (Or Standard, or whatever the least fancy style
is called.)

> stand-alone "Standard" paragraph? I can live with that if it leads to clean
> processing of my report. Does anyone have any comments on possible
> side-effects of using the ERT to contain the Sweave material?
It works excellently if you asked me. If you're wondering how the code
ends up in the final document, try to View > Source to check how the
chunks get displayed in the LaTeX markup; this is what R will get when
you start compiling.


> Cheers,
> Mark
> Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 7:06 PM, Mark Dalphin
>> <mark.dalp...@pacificedge.co.nz> wrote:
>>> I usually develop my R-code in Emacs (ESS-mode). This permits me to
>>> refine
>>> my tables and graphs before I incorporate them into Lyx. This is much
>>> faster
>>> as it interactive and avoids the time to run LaTeX (or export the R, etc
>>> etc). Then I write the text part of my report, and, in the Lyx scrap, I
>>> paste the required chunks of R-code. Nice and simple (thank you!). The
>>> problem is that when I paste the R-code from Emacs to the Lyx scrap, the
>>> End-Of-Line character gets converted into something else (a BLANK or some
>>> other white space, I guess), which is not acceptable to the R-parser when
>>> Sweave runs. This means that every paste operation is followed by many
>>> edit
>>> operations to convert the blanks back into new-lines.
>>> Is is possible to prevent this mangling of the paste?
>> Hi Mark,
>> Does ctrl+shift+v work for you? Or, Edit > Paste Special > Plain Text ?
>> Best,
>> Scott
> --
>    Mark Dalphin Ph.D.
> Director of Bioinformatics
> mark.dalp...@pacificedge.co.nz <mailto:mark.dalp...@pacificedge.co.nz>
> *Ph:* +64-3-479-5805
> *Cell:* +64-21-156-7625
> *Skype:* mark.dalphin.pel
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> 87 St David St, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand 9016www.pacificedge.co.nz

Do you know how to read?
Do you know how to write?

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