When I use "ctrl-shift-v" into a chunk that I have pre-filled with "<<echo=FALSE,fig=TRUE>>=\n" (where "\n" means I am on the next line, not the literal characters), the first line adds correctly, then there is a blank line and change of paragraph type into "Standard", with the remaining lines in that standard paragraph.
If I change my work order and paste-special into a "Standard" paragraph, it looks alright, but then selection of those lines and conversion to a "Chunk" paragraph yields a similar output: one good, chunk line, a blank line plus several lines in the following "Standard" paragraph.
Trying Yihui's ERT format seemed to paste correctly, however, I am left wondering then "in what kind of paragraph" should the ERT exist. Just as a stand-alone "Standard" paragraph? I can live with that if it leads to clean processing of my report. Does anyone have any comments on possible side-effects of using the ERT to contain the Sweave material?
Cheers, Mark Scott Kostyshak wrote:
On Sun, Apr 14, 2013 at 7:06 PM, Mark Dalphin <mark.dalp...@pacificedge.co.nz> wrote:I usually develop my R-code in Emacs (ESS-mode). This permits me to refine my tables and graphs before I incorporate them into Lyx. This is much faster as it interactive and avoids the time to run LaTeX (or export the R, etc etc). Then I write the text part of my report, and, in the Lyx scrap, I paste the required chunks of R-code. Nice and simple (thank you!). The problem is that when I paste the R-code from Emacs to the Lyx scrap, the End-Of-Line character gets converted into something else (a BLANK or some other white space, I guess), which is not acceptable to the R-parser when Sweave runs. This means that every paste operation is followed by many edit operations to convert the blanks back into new-lines. Is is possible to prevent this mangling of the paste?Hi Mark, Does ctrl+shift+v work for you? Or, Edit > Paste Special > Plain Text ? Best, Scott
-- Mark Dalphin Ph.D. Director of Bioinformatics mark.dalp...@pacificedge.co.nz <mailto:mark.dalp...@pacificedge.co.nz> *Ph:* +64-3-479-5805 *Cell:* +64-21-156-7625 *Skype:* mark.dalphin.pel<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pacific-Edge/111356775582456> <http://twitter.com/#%21/pacificEdgeLtd> <http://www.youtube.com/PacificEdgeLtd>
87 St David St, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand 9016www.pacificedge.co.nz
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