Mark, If you have several files to import, maybe the command line tex2lyx utility can be more convenient. It lives somewhere inside the Lyx installation folder (on OSX: /Applications/ Here is the help page I get when I do tex2lyx -h : Usage: tex2lyx [options] infile.tex [outfile.lyx] Options: -c textclass Declare the textclass. -e encoding Set the default encoding (latex name). -f Force overwrite of .lyx files. -help Print this message and quit. -n translate a noweb (aka literate programming) file. -roundtrip re-export created .lyx file infile.lyx.lyx to infile.lyx.tex. -s syntaxfile read additional syntax file. -sysdir SYSDIR Set system directory to SYSDIR. Default: /Applications/ -userdir USERDIR Set user directory to USERDIR. Default: /Users/myildi/Library/Application Support/LyX-2.0/ -version Summarize version and build info. Paths: The program searches for the files "encodings", "lyxmodules.lst", "textclass.lst", "syntax.default", and "unicodesymbols", first in "USERDIR", then in "SYSDIR". The subdirectories "USERDIR/layouts" and "SYSDIR/layouts" are searched for layout and module files. Check the tex2lyx man page for more details.
- Import plain latex from Scientific word Mark Salmon
- Re: Import plain latex from Scientific word Scott Kostyshak
- Re: Import plain latex from Scientific word Mark Salmon
- Re: Import plain latex from Scientific word Gyorgy SZEIDL
- Re: Import plain latex from Scientific word Mark Salmon
- Re: Import plain latex from Scientific word Mark Salmon
- Re: Import plain latex from Scientific word Mark Salmon
- Re: Import plain latex from Scientific word Scott Kostyshak
- Re: Import plain latex from Scientific w... Mark Salmon
- Re: Import plain latex from Scienti... Scott Kostyshak
- Re: Import plain latex from Scientific word Murat Yildizoglu