Hi Gyorgy,
Yes I did use the portable tex option when coming out of Sciword. I is a
problem with all my files not just one.

On 26/02/2013 11:27, "Gyorgy SZEIDL" <gyorgy.sze...@uni-miskolc.hu> wrote:

>hi mark,
>have you used the portable option when saving the file
>in swp?
>best regards
>> Hi Mark,
>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 5:41 AM, Mark Salmon <markhsal...@gmail.com>
>>> Hi,
>>> I would be grateful for some urgent help. I am trying to transfer
>>> slides  (Beamer) from Scientific word into Lyx 2.0.5. I have followed
>>> wiki advice and saved from Sci word as plain latex. Then  I open a new
>>> in Lyx and try and import the file- a see for about 2 seconds the
>>>folder in
>>> which I have stored my old sci word files and then it closes and takes
>>> back to the empty Lyx file- so I cannot actually select the file I
>>>want to
>>> import. Its almost as if Lyx is immediately trying to save the new
>>>file- I
>>> don't know whats going on but it just doesn't give me the chance to
>>> th file after I select import.
>> LyX does try to save after importing:
>> http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/8236
>> But I'm not sure that's the problem. Is it a problem that it tries to
>> save? Is the folder write-protected? Do you get an error?
>> In general, it's difficult to import non-simple LaTeX into LyX. There
>> have been a lot of improvements to LaTeX importing recently. If you
>> happen to be using Ubuntu, you can try the newest development version:
>> http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyXOnUbuntu#toc3
>> (If I had to guess, though, I do not think this would solve your
>> Best,
>> Scott

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