
you had troubles with the caption's location because you inserted the
picture inside the caption. Look at the revised test file I enclose below
for correct placement (and take a look at the documentation, especially the
embedded objects manual in the Help menu).



On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 6:10 AM, Clemens Eisserer <>wrote:

> Hi Jürgen,
> > Please post a minimal LyX example file.
> I uploaded a minimal example file to:
> As can be seen, the caption is added at the left iff there is enough
> place left, otherwise its located at the top (I would prefer it to be
> placed at the bottom). Furthermore, Lyx (2.0.5, Linux) behaves quite
> strange when writing the text which belongs to the caption. Some words
> are placed before the graphic, some of it after.
> Guess my way of adding text to the caption is just not the way it is
> intended?
> Thank you in advance, Clemens

Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

Attachment: test.lyx
Description: Binary data

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