On 10/11/2012 04:37 PM, vv01f wrote:
Richard Heck <rgheck <at> lyx.org> writes:
On 10/10/2012 10:43 AM, w01f <at> uni.de wrote:
I think the issue must be the page style on the first page of the
letter, which is probably empty or something like that. Not sure,
I just know that \pagestyle{fancy} says to me it should not be
empty - how could that work out. Any method to falsify your
Here the complete source of a lyx file showing the (fancy)
footer only on 2nd page but now also if not commented out the
bottomtext on first page: http://pastebin.com/0e39JKmM
In the book class, for example, \chapter itself declares
\pagestyle{empty}. It may
be that something similar happens on the first page of a letter.