Hi Julien,

I took a look at the log file you enclosed. It took some work, because
the thesis did not compile at first (missing images in the chapters
were one of the problems). In general, try to provide a minimal
working example when asking for help, not the entire document with all
the bells and whistles.

The file now compiles on my laptop and the results, it seems to me,
are what you wanted. I changed two things: (a) I switched from bibtex
to biber as backend ( I could not get your thesis to work with bibtex,
and in general biber works better with biblatex). (b) And I switched
from refsection to refsegment in biblatex. Here is what you need to

A. Switch from bibtex to biber.
- be sure biber is installed on your system (it should. Try typing
"biber" at a command prompt to verify. If not install it via MikTeX)
 - Change the bibtexall script (with an editor): in line 17 (the last
line), replace "bibtex" with "biber"
 - Make sure bibtexall can be found by lyx (again try calling
bibtexall from a command prompt, or ask for help from the Windows
- Check that in preferences>>Latex , i the section "Bibliography
generation" you have selected "custom" and typed "bibtexall" (without
quotes) in the following field
- in Document>>Settings>>Bibliography>>Processor, select "biber" from
the drop down menu
- in your preamble, change the biblatex loading command to:
- finally, get rid of spaces in path names (this may be unnecessary)

B. Switch from refsection to refsegment (see biblatex manual, section
3.10.3 for a discussion of how they differ)

- in your chapters, replace the commands \begin{refsection} and
\end{refsection} with, respectively,  \begin{refsegment} and

- at the end of your chapters, when you want the bibliography to
appear, replace the simple \printbibliography command you have now
 \printbibliography[segment=n] where "n" is "1" for your first
bibliography (currently, your chapter 2), "n" = "2" for your second
bibliography (currently your chapter 3), etcetera. Again, see the
manual, sec 3.10.3 for a discussion

I am sending the pdf output in a private message to avoid jamming the
list servers.



On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 11:20 PM, julien.babinot
<julien.babi...@9online.fr> wrote:
> Le 25/06/2012 22:35, stefano franchi a écrit :
>> On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:02 PM, Julien Babinot
>> <julien.babi...@9online.fr> wrote:
>>> Hi Lyx users,
>>>  From this observation, could anyone tell me where i did a mistake? I
>>> would say
>>> that the problem is coming from the bibtexall command but i don't know
>>> where?!
>> Ju,ien,
>> it's a bit difficult to diagnose the problem unless you provide more
>> info. Look at the latex log (Document>>Latex Log), especially at the
>> warnings. Is biblatex complaining it cannot find the appropriate
>> files? Or is bibtex complaining about the same? Perhaps you can post
>> the log or send it to me directly (if it is too long) alongside a copy
>> of your lyx file?
>> Cheers,
>> Stefano
> Thanks again a lot for your answer Stefano,
> I send you the log file as well as my lyx folder. And now i realize that
> perhaps i am "testing" on a bad file as i am using a quite complex template
> for my thesis... But still it should work on the "real" file so...
> Cheers
> Julien

Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies            Ph:   +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University                          Fax:  +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA


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