Hi Lyx users, I am writing my PhD thesis with Lyx, and i have some problems to generate a multiple bibliography (one independent bibliography per chapter).
I am using the package biblatex; when i do a simple bibliography on a single document, everything works well. However, it is becoming more complicated with the multiple bibliography. I have a master document enclosing sub-document (included). To build my bibliography i used the wiki: http://wiki.lyx.org/BibTeX/Tips#secbib As biblatex works fine on a simple document, i guess the problem come from the use of the python wrapper bibtexall. I am totally newbie to Lyx, LateX or programmation in general so i probably missed some step! - First, and perhaps it is a stupid question, is the python script given on the wiki working on all operating system? I am on windows XP. - To build bibtexall.exe, i used this tutorial: http://logix4u.net/component/content/article/27-tutorials/44-how-to-create- windows-executable-exe-from-python-script I copied the script and pasted into a bibtexall.txt file, then i renamed to .py extension and used py2exe to build the executable script. The file was created in a dist folder, with the exe and some other files. I placed the dist folder in C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin folder (PATH shown in Lyx)and then i ran texhash in cmd. - My preamble in my master document is: \usepackage[style=nature]{biblatex} \addbibresource{C:/Test/Publi1.bib} \addbibresource{C:/Test/Publi2.bib} In my sub-documents (chapters), I included \begin{refsection} and \end{refsection} (i also tried refsegment) and my bibliography is included in a note. When i preview, the references are not recognized and appear in bold. If i remove the refsection commands, i have references from 1 to 40 included instead of 2x 1 to 20. Also, the list of references is of 40 in each chapter instead of the 20. >From this observation, could anyone tell me where i did a mistake? I would say that the problem is coming from the bibtexall command but i don't know where?! Thanks a lot Julien