On 26 June 2012 02:46, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
>  The datatools package can read a .csv file and produce a LaTeX table
> (which the docs refer to as a database). The LaTeX code is straight-forward,
> but I've not succeeded in implementing it within the LyX environment.
>  I set up a float table and entered the caption. Under that I inserted ERT:
> \DTLloaddb{basin_characteristics}{basin_characteristics.csv}
> \DTLdisplaydb{basin_characteristics.csv}
> but this does not insert the data into a tabular environment even if I try
> to print a preview.
>  I'd greatly appreciate a clue on how to import my
> 'basin_characteristics.csv' file to a table so I can futz with it and make
> it pretty.
> Rich

You can do anything with ERT:


This creates a list environment, so what you do is create a table
environment. But of course, it'll be better to just use one of the
other straightforward ways, you don't need this for a table. Just
exotic stuff.


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