On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Roey Angel <angel.r...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi Stefano, > sure I'm using the biblatex module; that's the only way to get it working in > lyx. > I also use the natbib=true options and still get that wrong output. > When I hover over a citation in the text it says "no bibliography defined" and > when click on it I get the citation dialogue box but I can't change the > citation > style under formatting. > > I'm parsing citations from zotero through lyz plug-in and I wonder if that has > something to do with it. > > Roey
If I understand your problem correctly, you want a a citation to appear as: this is some that cites a book (Lastname, 1990) which, in Latex with biblatex using the natbib option and a reference with Lastname1990 as key would be: this is some text that cites a book \citep{Lastname1990} Have you tried checking the Latex source in LyX (View>>View Source), to see whether you get the correct Latex command? If that is the case, then I would look at the output of the latex compilation (Document>>Latex log) for possible biblatex warnings If all else fails, could you make a prepare a minimal example with the wrong behavior (one paragraph, one citation) and post it? Cheers, Stefano -- __________________________________________________ Stefano Franchi Associate Research Professor Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125 Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421 College Station, Texas, USA stef...@tamu.edu http://stefano.cleinias.org