On 01/22/2012 06:31 PM, Peter Patten wrote:
Hi to all lyx-Users
I am brand new to publishing in general and specifically LYX, [as of
yesterday] and hope to create a couple of books re our family tree,
containing lots of charts and photos.
After down loading LYX, I note the system went into an auto download
of TeX/LaTeX. I understand in book publishing I ignore this facility?
LyX uses TeX/LaTeX to generate the PDF, so while you can ignore it,
hopefully, it's important that it happen.
* I opened up a New page and "cut and pasted" a MS document into it,
it came across without it's photo's and graphics, is there any
easier way to reinsert these than to go through individually
reinserting each one?
Cut and paste here won't preserve graphics. You can try opening the
document in LibreOffice, a free MS Word clone, and then exporting it as
LaTeX (make sure you have the LaTeX export plugin installed), and then
import the LaTeX into LyX. I'm not sure if that will help or not, but
it's worth a shot.
* After pasting in the text of the document I noted that the spell
check was using English, on running a spell check it wanted to
replace all my Australia English with what appears to be US
English, is there a way to load an Australian English correction
Document>Settings>Language, and select English (UK), I'd suppose.
* It is my intention to create a book size 17 X 24 cm, how do I
resize the page & pdf format?
Are you wanting to print it onto that size paper, or onto paper with
crop marks for that size? Both can be done, but it's different depending.
* Where do I find definitions of (ps?pdf), (pdflatex), etc, etc?
Use pdflatex, which is the default for pdf export. The others are more
for people with special needs. If it turns out you have special needs,
we can talk.