Hi to all lyx-Users I am brand new to publishing in general and specifically LYX, [as of yesterday] and hope to create a couple of books re our family tree, containing lots of charts and photos.
After down loading LYX, I note the system went into an auto download of TeX/LaTeX. I understand in book publishing I ignore this facility? * I opened up a New page and cut and pasted a MS document into it, it came across without its photos and graphics, is there any easier way to reinsert these than to go through individually reinserting each one? * After pasting in the text of the document I noted that the spell check was using English, on running a spell check it wanted to replace all my Australia English with what appears to be US English, is there a way to load an Australian English correction file? * It is my intention to create a book size 17 X 24 cm, how do I resize the page & pdf format? * Where do I find definitions of (ps?pdf), (pdflatex), etc, etc? Cheers Peter Patten Melbourne Australia