Certainly. The attached files currently compile, but with Natbib chosen,
a "something is missing" error occurs. If an incompatible bst is chosen
(like humannat), "control sequence" errors are produced.
On 9/2/11 1:35 PM, Richard Heck wrote:
On 09/02/2011 12:30 PM, Alan Greene wrote:
Hi All,
I'm trying to adapt a University of Chicago LyX dissertation template
to my particular citation needs and have found that it only compiles
when all citations are (1) in 'default (numerical)' citation style and
(2) 'plain' or 'ieeetr' bst (but not 'humannat,' which I'd like to
use). When I attempt to employ Natbib and/or a bst file such as
humannat, I receive numerous errors like these:
! Paragraph ended before \org@@citex was complete
! Paragraph ended before \NAT@@citetp was complete
Here's the master file preamble for your reference, as I really don't
know which aspects may be causing the problem. (The 'slave' chapter
preambles are almost identical except that they lack the bibliographic
and appendix portions).
FYI: If these are child documents, then their preambles aren't actually
used during compilation of the whole document. They'd only be used if
you try to compile the chapters as standalone documents.
I first posted this on the latex-community forum, but then realized
that their LyX thread seems to have very low activity. Thanks in
advance for your help and expertise!
I don't really see anything in the preamble that would be likely to
cause this problem. Could you create a simple test document that
exhibits this issue?
Alan Greene
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Anthropology
University of Chicago
#LyX 2.0 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 413
\textclass report
% Craig Wiegert's modifications to johnchithesis.cls
% (updated 2 Jul 2003)
% Send comments/changes/questions to <cwieg...@alumni.uchicago.edu>.
% NOTE: Be sure to check your margins carefully on your hardcopy!
% The top/left/right margins specified in lines 462--469 are
% exactly what the Dissertation Office specifies, but your printer
% may print documents offset or stretched by a bit. One tip is to
% increase the margins by a fudge factor of 0.05-0.1in; another is
% to redefine TeX's default \hoffset and \voffset to something
% other than 1in (e.g., \hoffset=0.95in). If you do either of
% class should remain as general-purpose as possible.
% A more elegant solution for offset pages is to use the results
% of testpage.tex to specify the printer offsets, either in the
% config.ps in your TeX distribution, or in ~/.dvipsrc. See the
% dvips man page for details.
% Changes:
% 1) Moved Astronomy-specific modifications to their own package.
% 2) Fixed the bug wherein multipage lists of tables and figures were
% listed in the TOC with the last page instead of the first.
% 3) Added space between multiple footnotes on a page, as per
% requirements. Also made footnote continuation separator the
% width of text.
% 4) Merged some changes from Martin Pergler's modifications of
% easychithesis.cls, namely: respace title page a bit, make
% footnote numbers full size, resize math subscripts, add leader
% dots to TOC chapters.
% 5) Tweaked margins just slightly to give footer more room.
% John's modifications to Luisa's myeasychithesis2.cls and new hints
% for formatting the document file.(last updated 5-JUL-2001, JEV)
% 1) The acknowledgment environment (as in aastex) has
% been changed to invoke \topmatter.
% 2) (moved to astroextras)
% 3) If you want '\\' to force a new line in title then
% comment out line 356 and uncomment line 355. Note
% however, that this then requires entering the title
% in all caps in the document file.
% 4) (moved to astroextras)
% 5) Added \makecopyright command from Steve Martin's
% thesis macros (lines 283--295).
% This is a modification of the
% easychithesis.cls Version 1.5 April 5, 1999
% I (Brad Holden, bph herein) used this for my thesis. I encountered a
% few problems when dealing with the Office of Academic
% Publications so I fixed those in this version. In the future,
% new policies will be enacted so this version will no doubt become
% obselete as well.
% myeasychithesis.cls March 13, 2000
% I added a whole bunch of things from aastex.cls file to
% enable things like deluxetable to work. --L. Rebull
% myeasychithesis2.cls July, 2000
% Original Instructions And Hints
% This file provides the LaTeX2e style myeasychithesis for formating
% graduate thesis at the University of Chicago. It was written by
% Bryan Clair and Nathan Dunfield. For an example of its use see the
% file: template.tex, and the instructions below.
% Comments or problems should be sent to hol...@oddjob.uchicago.edu
% Invoking this style: Start your document with (this is 1.5 spaced)
% \documentclass{myeasychithesis2}
% You should submit a double-spaced thesis. So, start with
% \documentclass[truedoublespace]{myeasychithesis2}
% When printing drafts, you may not want your thesis doublespaced.
% If you use instead:
% \documentclass[singlespace]{myeasychithesis2}
% or
% \documentclass[onehalfspace]{myeasychithesis2}
% your thesis will come out single or 3/2 spaced respectively.
% myeasychithesis2 also understands all options understood by report.
% Also the ``double spacing'' provided by this style is not ``true''
% doublespacing as defined by setspace.sty. Instead, it is the same
% as on the old LaTeX 2.09 thesis style ``chithesis''. If you want
% ``true'' double spacing, give the option truedoublespace.
% Title Page Information Commands
% Example Usage:
% \title{Stones And L^2 Invariants}
% \author{Fred D. Belitnikoff}
% \department{Mathematics}
% \division{Physical Sciences} (Sciences with an s!)
% \degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
% \date{July 1998} (Your grad. date, formatted like the example)
% \maketitle
% \dedication : Use for a dedication, copyright, or epigraph.
% Produces a page with no number for the text which follows
% If you want centering, do it yourself with
% \begin{center} and \end{center}.
% Usage:
% \dedication
% To blah.
% \topmatter : Things like Abstract, Acknowledgments.
% Usage:
% \topmatter{Title Of Matter}
% Use like \chapter, once for each page of matter you want. Don't
% use numbered sections within these. Use \section* instead.
% The abstract environment has been changed to invoke \topmatter.
% The acknowledgment environment has been changed to invoke
% \topmatter, use it like the aastex acknowledgment command but put
% it at beginning of document for a Chicago Thesis
% \mainmatter : Signals the start of the document's body.
% Usage:
% \mainmatter
% Use once before the first numbered \chapter.
% 1. To get appendices, you don't do anything different from a normal
% report document. That means, put the command \appendix before
% you begin your first appendix, then do each appendix with a
% \chapter command. Note that if you have only one appendix, it is
% customary to leave it unnumbered. Do this with \chapter*.
% 2. If you are having page break problems (which are much more
% likely in double spacing), use the \pagebreak[n] and
% \nopagebreak[n] commands to tell LaTeX good and bad
% places for page breaks. n=1,2,3 for gradually more
% emphatic suggestion to LaTeX. n=4 is almost always
% break page or almost never break page.
% 3. If you are in a rush and don't have time to go through and
% rework places which generate overfull hboxes (stuff sticking
% out from right margin), put the command \sloppy before your
% \begin{document}. LaTeX will not generate overfull hboxes but will
% stretch spaces more, beyond its usual aesthetic preferences.
% 1. No support for multi-volume theses.
% 2. Doesn't work with older versions of setspace.sty
% 3. Problems with math formulas in chapter headings:
% a. Any lowercase letters in the formula are converted to
% uppercase, e.g. f(x) becomes F(X). If you really need
% lowercase math letters in your chapter titles, use the
% option plainchapterheads (and, if you want, type your
% chapter titles in ALL CAPS so that the appearance doesn't
% change). Note there is no problem
% for section or subsection headings in either case.
% b. Some perfectly reasonable math commands when used in
% \chapter give the error
% The solution to this is to do
% \newcommand{\mymath}{problem math goes here}
% and then
% \chapter{All about \protect\mymath}
% also, the option plainchapterheads will fix this too.
% Improvements over older versions:
% Added in 1.4: Name of the bibiography is now References, to please the
% thesis office. If you want to change it back, put
% \renewcommand{\bibname}{Bibliography}
% in your TeX file prior to \begin{document}
%\ProvidesClass{ccw_chithesis}[2003/07/02 Chicago Thesis Class for LaTex2e]
% The following options set the global amount of spacing
% Normally, the chapter heads are all uppercase, but sometimes
% this causes problems. The following option changes
% the chapter heads to small caps instead.
% Pass all other options to report.cls.
% It would be better to have the following line next,
% rather than setting the defaults manually, but
% this would break early versions of LaTeX2e
% CCW: Footnote modifications
% Lengthen continuation rule line for footnotes
% Add spacing between multiple footnotes, but make sure space isn't
% added between rule and notes. This is a bit of a kludge.
\let\oldfootnoterule = \footnoterule
% Make footnote numbers in footnotes regular size, as per ``modern practice''
\renewcommand{\@makefntext}[1]{\noindent\makebox[2.5em][r]{\@thefnmark.\ }#1}
% CCW: font size modifications, from Martin Pergler
% Put it at document start, else some packages may clobber it.
% Thesis Office says minimum should be 9pt for microfilming, but they
% didn't actually complain about the standard LaTeX sizes (12/8/6) that
% I used previously. So 8pt isn't too much of a cheat.
% Adjust spacing of document
% Commands Defined For Use By Thesis Author
% \dedication : Use for a dedication, copyright, or epigraph.
% Produces a page with no number for the text which follows
% If you want centering, do it yourself with
% \begin{center} and \end{center}.
% copyright page (if used, should appear directly after title page)
% usage: \makecopyright
\else \newpage \fi
% \addtocounter{page}{1}
\centerline{ Copyright \copyright\ \number\year\ by \@author }
\centerline{ All rights reserved }
\vskip 15pt\relax
\if@restonecol\twocolumn \else \newpage \fi
% \topmatter : Things like Abstract, Acknowledgments.
% Usage:
% \topmatter{Title Of Matter}
% Use like \chapter, once for each page of matter you want. Don't
% use numbered sections within these. Use \section* instead.
% redefinition of abstract environment
% \mainmatter : Signals the start of the document's body.
% Usage:
% \mainmatter
% Use once before the first numbered \chapter.
% Title Page Information Commands
% Example Usage:
% \title{Stones And L^2 Invariants}
% \author{Fred D. Belitnikoff}
% \department{Mathematics}
% \division{Physical Sciences} (Sciences with an s!)
% \date{July 1998} (Your grad. date, formatted like the example)
% \maketitle : Makes the U. of Chicago dissertation title page.
% \@title\\
THE FACULTY OF THE DIVISION OF THE \MakeUppercase{\@division}\\
\ \\
COMMITTEE ON \MakeUppercase{\@department}\\
% Internal Formatting Commands For This Thesis Style
% Redo commands that make chapter & section headers
\setlength{\topmargin}{0.5in} % really 1.5in, added by bph
% to meet OAP standards
\etchapterheadstyle{\@chapapp{ \thechapter}} % CHAPTER 1 or APPENDIX
\etchapterheadstyle{#1} % TITLE OF CHAPTER
\setlength{\topmargin}{0in} % back to 1in
\setlength{\topmargin}{0.5in} % really 1.5in, added by bph
% to meet OAP standards
\etchapterheadstyle{#1} % TITLE OF CHAPTER
\setlength{\topmargin}{0in} % back to 1in
\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
{-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
{3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
{3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus .2ex}%
% Change style of printing chapters in TOC to match chapter headings.
\ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
\vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@
\parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
\parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
\hskip -\leftskip
% CCW: The following 3 lines add dots to the chapter TOC listings
\mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{.}\mkern \@dotsep
\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
% Change name of table of contents
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of contents}
% Change name of bibliography
% Change the margins to fit requirements
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.5in} % really 1.5in
\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.5in} % really 1.5in
\setlength{\topmargin}{0in} % really 1in
% Changing where the page numbers go on pages that aren't the first
% page of a chapter.
% Make the table of contents, etc., single spaced
% bph added lists of tables/figures to table of contents.
% CCW fixed bug where multipage LOT/LOF were listed in TOC with wrong
% page number.
\let\oldtableofcontents = \tableofcontents
\let\oldlistoftables = \listoftables
% This works b/c multiple \newpage's are treated as one
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
\let\oldlistoffigures = \listoffigures
% This works b/c multiple \newpage's are treated as one
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
% End of File
\use_default_options true
\maintain_unincluded_children false
\language english
\language_package default
\inputencoding auto
\fontencoding global
\font_roman times
\font_sans default
\font_typewriter default
\font_default_family default
\use_non_tex_fonts false
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100
\graphics default
\default_output_format default
\output_sync 0
\bibtex_command default
\index_command default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing double
\use_hyperref false
\papersize default
\use_geometry false
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 0
\use_mhchem 1
\use_mathdots 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\use_indices false
\paperorientation portrait
\suppress_date false
\use_refstyle 0
\index Index
\shortcut idx
\color #008000
\leftmargin 1in
\topmargin 1in
\rightmargin 1in
\bottommargin 1in
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\paragraph_indentation default
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\html_math_output 0
\html_css_as_file 0
\html_be_strict false
\begin_layout Chapter
Chapter 1
\begin_layout Section
\begin_layout Standard
Here's an example paragraph with some references in order to demonstrate
the problem
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand citep
key "Schliemann1875"
with the both the bibliography and the in-text citations
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand citep
key "Hodder1999,Hodder1996"
This sentence includes some more references to serve as an example
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand citep
With Natbib chosen, a ``something is missing'' error occurs.
If an incompatible bst is chosen (like humannat), ``control sequence errors''
are produced.
#LyX 2.0 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 413
\textclass report
% Craig Wiegert's modifications to johnchithesis.cls
% (updated 2 Jul 2003)
% Send comments/changes/questions to <cwieg...@alumni.uchicago.edu>.
% NOTE: Be sure to check your margins carefully on your hardcopy!
% The top/left/right margins specified in lines 462--469 are
% exactly what the Dissertation Office specifies, but your printer
% may print documents offset or stretched by a bit. One tip is to
% increase the margins by a fudge factor of 0.05-0.1in; another is
% to redefine TeX's default \hoffset and \voffset to something
% other than 1in (e.g., \hoffset=0.95in). If you do either of
% class should remain as general-purpose as possible.
% A more elegant solution for offset pages is to use the results
% of testpage.tex to specify the printer offsets, either in the
% config.ps in your TeX distribution, or in ~/.dvipsrc. See the
% dvips man page for details.
% Changes:
% 1) Moved Astronomy-specific modifications to their own package.
% 2) Fixed the bug wherein multipage lists of tables and figures were
% listed in the TOC with the last page instead of the first.
% 3) Added space between multiple footnotes on a page, as per
% requirements. Also made footnote continuation separator the
% width of text.
% 4) Merged some changes from Martin Pergler's modifications of
% easychithesis.cls, namely: respace title page a bit, make
% footnote numbers full size, resize math subscripts, add leader
% dots to TOC chapters.
% 5) Tweaked margins just slightly to give footer more room.
% John's modifications to Luisa's myeasychithesis2.cls and new hints
% for formatting the document file.(last updated 5-JUL-2001, JEV)
% 1) The acknowledgment environment (as in aastex) has
% been changed to invoke \topmatter.
% 2) (moved to astroextras)
% 3) If you want '\\' to force a new line in title then
% comment out line 356 and uncomment line 355. Note
% however, that this then requires entering the title
% in all caps in the document file.
% 4) (moved to astroextras)
% 5) Added \makecopyright command from Steve Martin's
% thesis macros (lines 283--295).
% This is a modification of the
% easychithesis.cls Version 1.5 April 5, 1999
% I (Brad Holden, bph herein) used this for my thesis. I encountered a
% few problems when dealing with the Office of Academic
% Publications so I fixed those in this version. In the future,
% new policies will be enacted so this version will no doubt become
% obselete as well.
% myeasychithesis.cls March 13, 2000
% I added a whole bunch of things from aastex.cls file to
% enable things like deluxetable to work. --L. Rebull
% myeasychithesis2.cls July, 2000
% Original Instructions And Hints
% This file provides the LaTeX2e style myeasychithesis for formating
% graduate thesis at the University of Chicago. It was written by
% Bryan Clair and Nathan Dunfield. For an example of its use see the
% file: template.tex, and the instructions below.
% Comments or problems should be sent to hol...@oddjob.uchicago.edu
% Invoking this style: Start your document with (this is 1.5 spaced)
% \documentclass{myeasychithesis2}
% You should submit a double-spaced thesis. So, start with
% \documentclass[truedoublespace]{myeasychithesis2}
% When printing drafts, you may not want your thesis doublespaced.
% If you use instead:
% \documentclass[singlespace]{myeasychithesis2}
% or
% \documentclass[onehalfspace]{myeasychithesis2}
% your thesis will come out single or 3/2 spaced respectively.
% myeasychithesis2 also understands all options understood by report.
% Also the ``double spacing'' provided by this style is not ``true''
% doublespacing as defined by setspace.sty. Instead, it is the same
% as on the old LaTeX 2.09 thesis style ``chithesis''. If you want
% ``true'' double spacing, give the option truedoublespace.
% Title Page Information Commands
% Example Usage:
% \title{Stones And L^2 Invariants}
% \author{Fred D. Belitnikoff}
% \department{Mathematics}
% \division{Physical Sciences} (Sciences with an s!)
% \degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
% \date{July 1998} (Your grad. date, formatted like the example)
% \maketitle
% \dedication : Use for a dedication, copyright, or epigraph.
% Produces a page with no number for the text which follows
% If you want centering, do it yourself with
% \begin{center} and \end{center}.
% Usage:
% \dedication
% To blah.
% \topmatter : Things like Abstract, Acknowledgments.
% Usage:
% \topmatter{Title Of Matter}
% Use like \chapter, once for each page of matter you want. Don't
% use numbered sections within these. Use \section* instead.
% The abstract environment has been changed to invoke \topmatter.
% The acknowledgment environment has been changed to invoke
% \topmatter, use it like the aastex acknowledgment command but put
% it at beginning of document for a Chicago Thesis
% \mainmatter : Signals the start of the document's body.
% Usage:
% \mainmatter
% Use once before the first numbered \chapter.
% 1. To get appendices, you don't do anything different from a normal
% report document. That means, put the command \appendix before
% you begin your first appendix, then do each appendix with a
% \chapter command. Note that if you have only one appendix, it is
% customary to leave it unnumbered. Do this with \chapter*.
% 2. If you are having page break problems (which are much more
% likely in double spacing), use the \pagebreak[n] and
% \nopagebreak[n] commands to tell LaTeX good and bad
% places for page breaks. n=1,2,3 for gradually more
% emphatic suggestion to LaTeX. n=4 is almost always
% break page or almost never break page.
% 3. If you are in a rush and don't have time to go through and
% rework places which generate overfull hboxes (stuff sticking
% out from right margin), put the command \sloppy before your
% \begin{document}. LaTeX will not generate overfull hboxes but will
% stretch spaces more, beyond its usual aesthetic preferences.
% 1. No support for multi-volume theses.
% 2. Doesn't work with older versions of setspace.sty
% 3. Problems with math formulas in chapter headings:
% a. Any lowercase letters in the formula are converted to
% uppercase, e.g. f(x) becomes F(X). If you really need
% lowercase math letters in your chapter titles, use the
% option plainchapterheads (and, if you want, type your
% chapter titles in ALL CAPS so that the appearance doesn't
% change). Note there is no problem
% for section or subsection headings in either case.
% b. Some perfectly reasonable math commands when used in
% \chapter give the error
% The solution to this is to do
% \newcommand{\mymath}{problem math goes here}
% and then
% \chapter{All about \protect\mymath}
% also, the option plainchapterheads will fix this too.
% Improvements over older versions:
% Added in 1.4: Name of the bibiography is now References, to please the
% thesis office. If you want to change it back, put
% \renewcommand{\bibname}{Bibliography}
% in your TeX file prior to \begin{document}
%\ProvidesClass{ccw_chithesis}[2003/07/02 Chicago Thesis Class for LaTex2e]
% The following options set the global amount of spacing
% Normally, the chapter heads are all uppercase, but sometimes
% this causes problems. The following option changes
% the chapter heads to small caps instead.
% Pass all other options to report.cls.
% It would be better to have the following line next,
% rather than setting the defaults manually, but
% this would break early versions of LaTeX2e
% CCW: Footnote modifications
% Lengthen continuation rule line for footnotes
% Add spacing between multiple footnotes, but make sure space isn't
% added between rule and notes. This is a bit of a kludge.
\let\oldfootnoterule = \footnoterule
% Make footnote numbers in footnotes regular size, as per ``modern practice''
\renewcommand{\@makefntext}[1]{\noindent\makebox[2.5em][r]{\@thefnmark.\ }#1}
% CCW: font size modifications, from Martin Pergler
% Put it at document start, else some packages may clobber it.
% Thesis Office says minimum should be 9pt for microfilming, but they
% didn't actually complain about the standard LaTeX sizes (12/8/6) that
% I used previously. So 8pt isn't too much of a cheat.
% Adjust spacing of document
% Commands Defined For Use By Thesis Author
% \dedication : Use for a dedication, copyright, or epigraph.
% Produces a page with no number for the text which follows
% If you want centering, do it yourself with
% \begin{center} and \end{center}.
% copyright page (if used, should appear directly after title page)
% usage: \makecopyright
\else \newpage \fi
% \addtocounter{page}{1}
\centerline{ Copyright \copyright\ \number\year\ by \@author }
\centerline{ All rights reserved }
\vskip 15pt\relax
\if@restonecol\twocolumn \else \newpage \fi
% \topmatter : Things like Abstract, Acknowledgments.
% Usage:
% \topmatter{Title Of Matter}
% Use like \chapter, once for each page of matter you want. Don't
% use numbered sections within these. Use \section* instead.
% redefinition of abstract environment
% \mainmatter : Signals the start of the document's body.
% Usage:
% \mainmatter
% Use once before the first numbered \chapter.
% Title Page Information Commands
% Example Usage:
% \title{Stones And L^2 Invariants}
% \author{Fred D. Belitnikoff}
% \department{Mathematics}
% \division{Physical Sciences} (Sciences with an s!)
% \date{July 1998} (Your grad. date, formatted like the example)
% \maketitle : Makes the U. of Chicago dissertation title page.
% \@title\\
THE FACULTY OF THE DIVISION OF THE \MakeUppercase{\@division}\\
\ \\
COMMITTEE ON \MakeUppercase{\@department}\\
% Internal Formatting Commands For This Thesis Style
% Redo commands that make chapter & section headers
\setlength{\topmargin}{0.5in} % really 1.5in, added by bph
% to meet OAP standards
\etchapterheadstyle{\@chapapp{ \thechapter}} % CHAPTER 1 or APPENDIX
\etchapterheadstyle{#1} % TITLE OF CHAPTER
\setlength{\topmargin}{0in} % back to 1in
\setlength{\topmargin}{0.5in} % really 1.5in, added by bph
% to meet OAP standards
\etchapterheadstyle{#1} % TITLE OF CHAPTER
\setlength{\topmargin}{0in} % back to 1in
\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
{-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
{-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
{1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
{3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
{3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus .2ex}%
% Change style of printing chapters in TOC to match chapter headings.
\ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
\vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@
\parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
\parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
\hskip -\leftskip
% CCW: The following 3 lines add dots to the chapter TOC listings
\mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{.}\mkern \@dotsep
\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
% Change name of table of contents
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of contents}
% Change name of bibliography
% \renewcommand{\bibname}{References}
\itemsep 0pt
\parsep 0pt
\parskip 0pt}
\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}
% Change the margins to fit requirements
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.2in} % really 1.5in
\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.2in} % really 1.5in
\setlength{\topmargin}{0in} % really 1in
% Changing where the page numbers go on pages that aren't the first
% page of a chapter.
%chaged by Yahui Peng 2/1/10
% Make the table of contents, etc., single spaced
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% This file was created with JabRef 2.6.
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author = {Binford, Lewis},
title = {Archaeology as Anthropology},
journal = {American Antiquity},
year = {1962},
volume = {28},
pages = {217-225},
number = {2},
keywords = {Archaeology; theory, Processualism},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
author = {Binford, L. R.},
title = {Archaeological Systematics and the Study of Cultural Process},
journal = {American Antiquity},
year = {1965},
volume = {31},
pages = {203-210},
keywords = {archaeology; theory},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
title = {The Danube in Prehistory},
publisher = {Clarendon},
year = {1929},
author = {Childe, V. Gordon},
address = {Oxford},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
title = {Analytical Archaeology},
publisher = {Methuen},
year = {1968},
author = {Clarke, D. L.},
address = {London},
keywords = {archaeology theory; processual methodology},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
title = {The Archaeological Process: An Introduction},
publisher = {Blackwell},
year = {1999},
author = {Hodder, Ian},
address = {Oxford},
keywords = {Archaeology Methodology. Archaeology Philosophy. theory
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
title = {On the Surface: \c{C}atalh\"{o}y\"{u}k 1993-95},
publisher = {McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research},
year = {1996},
author = {Hodder, Ian},
series = {McDonald Institute monographs,},
address = {Cambridge},
keywords = {Excavations (Archaeology) Turkey. \c{C}áatal Mound (Turkey)},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
title = {Reading the Past},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
year = {1986},
author = {Hodder, Ian},
address = {Cambridge},
keywords = {Post-Processualism; Archaeology; Theory; ethnoarchaeology},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
title = {An Introduction to the Study of Southwestern Archaeology with a
Account of the Excavations at Pecos},
publisher = {Yale University Press},
year = {1924},
author = {Kidder, Alfred Vincent},
series = {Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Dept. of Archaeology. Papers},
address = {New Haven},
keywords = {Pueblo Indians Antiquities Southwest, New Antiquities. Pecos
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
author = {Kohl, P.},
title = {Limits to a Post-Processual Archaeology (or, The Dangers of a New
booktitle = {Archaeological Theory: Who Sets the Agenda?},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
year = {1993},
editor = {Yoffee, N. and Sherratt, A.},
pages = {13-19},
address = {Cambridge},
keywords = {archaeology; Theory},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
author = {Kohl, P. L.},
title = {The Kura-Araxes "Chiefdom/State": The Problems of Evolutionary Labels
and Imperfect Analogies},
booktitle = {South Asian archaeology studies},
publisher = {Oxford \& IBH Pub. Co.},
year = {1992},
editor = {Possehl, Gregory L.},
pages = {223-232},
address = {New Delhi},
abstract = {Contributed articles.},
keywords = {Excavations (Archaeology) South Asia. South Asia Antiquities.},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
title = {Troy and its remains; a narrative of researches and discoveries made
on the site of Ilium, and in the Trojan plain},
publisher = {J. Murray},
year = {1875},
author = {Schliemann, Heinrich and Smith, Phillip and Schmitz, L. Dora},
address = {London},
keywords = {Troy (Extinct city) Turkey Antiquities},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
title = {Social Theory and Archaeology},
publisher = {Polity Press},
year = {1987},
author = {Shanks, Michael and Tilley, Christopher},
address = {Cambridge},
abstract = {Archaeological theory},
keywords = {Archaeology; theory; post-processualism},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
author = {Tilley, Christopher Y.},
title = {Archaeology as Socio-Political Action in the Present},
booktitle = {Critical Traditions in Contemporary Archaeology},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
year = {1989},
editor = {Pinsky, V. and Wylie, A.},
pages = {104-116},
address = {Cambridge},
keywords = {archaeology; theory},
owner = {alangreene},
timestamp = {2011.09.02}
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