On May 2, 2011, at 7:37 PM, Eric Weir wrote:

> On May 2, 2011, at 6:11 PM, Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:
>> I load the RTF into OpenOffice (NeoOffice to be correct) into which
>> I have installed the writer2latex extension and export as Ultraclean.
>> That I manipulate a little with TexShop removing the \bigskip and the
>> likes (which I could do with a Perl Script too) and then tex2lyx it.
>> That works better than rtf2latex.
> Thanks, Eberhard. That sounds preferable to learning about compiling 
> rft2latex2e. I have OO/NO and I'm sure the writer2latex extension is readily 
> available. 

Actually, shortly after posting this I discovered an even more elegant 
solution, at least for me. My primary writing application, where I do 
everything prior to formatting for publication, is Scrivener. Turns out 
Scrivener has MultiMarkDown built in, and Scrivener documents can be compiled 
as MMD documents to Latex. 

Not only is the MMD "syntax" very simple -- as one person on Scrivener's users 
forum said, it's not very "syntactical" at all -- Scrivener takes care of a 
good deal of it during compiling. 

Haven't tried it yet. Imagine there'll be a few kinks that will have to worked 
out, but they'll undoubtedly nothing near as daunting as compiling rtf2latex2e 
and getting it properly installed.     

Eric Weir
Decatur, GA  USA

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