David L. Johnson wrote:
> or me, with English defaults, also `this' gave correct single quotes, 
> and ``that'' gave correct double quotes, while "the other" did not give 
> correct double quotes.  That last usage did, at one time, give correct 
> quotes in LyX, but I think there was some reason why that behavior was 
> changed.  I don't use quotes that often (when you plagiarize, you 
> plagiarize, and don't use quotes to give away what you did), so did not 
> pay too much attention.  The way I did those quotes seems easier than 
> the Alt- stuff, although it is kind of texish.

In many context, the output is equivalent. However, LyX's quote inset takes 
care of some things. It assures that the quote is not mistaken as a shortcut 
(as in ?`). And it takes care that single quotes (as opposed to apostrophes) 
are not passed to the spell checker.

However, I use myself now csquotes and »« as active character exclusively. It 
is very neat once you got used to it.


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