Steve Litt wrote:
> I have an entire 110,000 word book in which single quotes don't pair up,
> but  instead both the opening and closing single quote look exactly like
> the character on the key of my keyboard. How can I get LyX to
> automatically pair the quotes up like it does with doublequotes?

In input: Alt+" will produce correct single quotation marks. With LyX 2.0 and 
"advanced search/replace", you can directly replace "'" by real single 
quotation mark insets.

> My font is New Century Schoolbook (and I like it that way), my language is 
> English, my quote style is both double quotes on top, my document class is 
> based on Book and I don't think I did anything to modify quoting.
> I suppose I could manually replace all leading single quotes with grave 
> symbols (lower case tilde), but I'm hoping there's a more automatic way to
> do  it. Maybe there's a package somewhere?

The csquotes package. You can define "active characters" and the package will 
convert them to the approrpiate glyphs for your language. For instance:


will convert »this is a »text«« and ¶this is a text¶ to correct quotation 
marks in the respective language, also considering nesting (i.e., the first 
»text« will be in "inner" quotes).

I suppose you will have to replace the apostrophe character with something, 
since it will fail at real apostrophes.


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