On 07/02/11 16:42, Clive&Pauline_Libotte wrote:
> Dear Lyxers,
> I have spent hundreds of hours hand-crafting the front matter of a book,
> but one area has me stumped. How do I access a method of customising
> the Index title and it's body text. I have not found anything reliable
> on the Web or in this list. Where is the documentation on this -- plenty
> on the customising of the TOC, getting on with that. Thanks for your
> knowledgeable help.
> Clive Libotte.
Replying to myself (I think, having just set up the list on my email)
Thanks to Marcelo and Sefano for their prompt replies. I did not need
the additional tex packages recommended, as I wanted only the titles and
page numbering  in the Index, TOC, List of Figures and List of Tables to
match the graphics of the main text; the body text was all right. So my
heading Customising Index Title & Body Text is too expansive -- sorry.
Your replies sent me on new lines of research though, which were
successful. For the benefit of other newcomers to Lyx; the lines of code
that I used are as follows. Note, that I have the fancyhdr package
loaded with document class book, Lyx version 1.6.7. The front matter
page numbering style is set early and carries on though the Table of
Contents on to the end of the front matter. The Index is numbered the
same as the main text. You set the numbering styles with the package

To change the Index title font to match the chapter titles, do the
following in ERT just before the embedded Index label:-

\renewcommand\indexname{\bfseries \sffamily \Huge Index}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\bfseries \sffamily \large Index}

You can do the same with the TOC, List of Figures, List of Tables by
changing the "\indexname" to "\contentsname", \listfigurename" or
"\listtablename" as required. The last line of the code "\addcontents
..." is to add the Index title to the TOC which is not done as default.

Hope this help others.

Clive Libotte, IEng. MInstMC.


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