I've had reverse/inverse search working on my standard version of lyx for windows for a while without using cygwin. I've not noticed anyone posting about how to do it or providing scripts so I thought I'd share mine. I've written it up here http://www.thousandmonkeys.com/?p=96 but here are the really important bits. Hope this gets it working for someone.
Requirements: * Python 2.6 (might work with other versions not tried it) * win32api – Python extension (to find the short pathnames) * SumatraPDF – This is the only appropriate windows pdf viewer I am aware of. It prints badly though in my experience. * ReverseSearch – The scripts defined below Setup: * Set the lyxserver pipe (under paths in the settings) to “\\.\pipe\lyxserver” * put “SumatraPDF.bat”, “search.py” and “SumatraPDF.exe” in “../lyx16/bin” * Update the paths in “SumatraPDF.bat” to be correct for your setup (mine is 64bit), use pythonw.exe to supress the console * Set your in “PDF (pdflatex)” viewer field (in file formats) to: SumatraPDF.bat * Set the “Latex (pdflatex) -> PDF (pdflatex)” converter to “pdflatex –synctex=-1 $$i” SumatraPDF.bat ------------------------------------------- start "SumatraPDF.exe" "SumatraPDF.exe" -inverse-search "C:/Progra~1/Python26/pythonw.exe C:/Progra~2/lyx16/bin/search.py %%l %%f" %1 exit search.py ------------------------------------------ # author Chris Lingwood # # This script (along with sumatra.bat) enables DVI/PDF search in windows using Sumatra import sys import time import os import win32api #Debug output to ensure the path name is picked up properly print(sys.argv[1]) print(sys.argv[2:]) line = sys.argv[1] filename = ' '.join(sys.argv[2:]) print(filename) #We have to get the windows short filename to avoid having spaces which upsets the command filename = win32api.GetShortPathName(filename); #create the command to be send to the lyx server pipe with an echo to a windows pipe command = "echo LYXCMD:revdvi:server-goto-file-row:"+filename+" "+line+">> \\\\.\pipe\lyxserver.in" #print it for debugging and send it to the os print(command) os.system(command) #Uncomment the next line if there are problems, it lets you see the debugging output (this is still supressed with pythonw.exe though) #time.sleep(100) I attempted to post this the to the list a while back but it never made it for some reason. That version doesn't work with newer versions of lyx (or so I'm told), hence the repost. Chris Lingwood