On Feb 2, 2011, at 9:47 AM, Richard Heck wrote:

> On 02/02/2011 09:21 AM, Michelle Bottorff wrote:
>> ... and asking " which latex2rtf"  as BH advised Mathias to do --Thank you 
>> BH!
>> now gets me "/usr/local/bin/latex2rtf"
> That is good. It will allow you to export to RTF, but not to import.

So it does.  And it works perfectly!  Great, half-way there.  :)

> Note: rtf2latex2e, not the other way around.

D'oh.  Me feel dumb. 

>> asking the terminal "which latext2rtf2e" gets me nothing.
> If you try "which rtf2latex2e", you will probably also get nothing, in which 
> case that program is not installed.

Yeah, I tried that the right way round, and it wasn't there.  So...

>> Now what?  Do I need to hunt down a different package...?
> Looks like it. Apparently:
>    http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@lists.lyx.org/msg62704.html
> it is on MacPorts, or at least was.

In order to use MacPorts I need to install the Developer Tools.  
In order to download the Tools I must register as a Developer -- now there's a 
And having done that, I will now be downloading the Developer Tools for the 
next day and a half.
(They're supposed to be on my install disk, but my optical drive is shot, and 
so I can't actually read my install disk anymore.)   :(

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