On 02/02/2011 09:21 AM, Michelle Bottorff wrote:

... and asking " which latex2rtf"  as BH advised Mathias to do --Thank you BH!
now gets me "/usr/local/bin/latex2rtf"

That is good. It will allow you to export to RTF, but not to import.

But when I run Lyx and ask it to import an rtf file I still get:

An error occurred whilst running rtf2latex2e 'DarkMoon.rtf'
sh: rtf2latex2e: command not found
Error: Cannot convert file

Hmm... latex2rtf, and latex2rtf2e...  That's not the same.

Note: rtf2latex2e, not the other way around.

asking the terminal "which latext2rtf2e" gets me nothing.

If you try "which rtf2latex2e", you will probably also get nothing, in which case that program is not installed.

Now what?  Do I need to hunt down a different package...?

Looks like it. Apparently:
it is on MacPorts, or at least was.


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