Is there any quick command that would help me to drop page numbers
from the first page of every chapter-start page?

Many thanks, FN

PS: For some reason, I can't seem to increase my page margins in one
file. Is something in my settings overriding this?

My settings Latex Preamble reads thus



%\SetWatermarkText{Draft text}




%\setstocksize{ 21.59cm }{ 13.97cm }

%\let\oldcftsf\cftsectionfont% save definition of \cftsectionfont
%\let\oldcftspn\cftsectionafterpnum% and of \cftsectionafterpnum
%%%\let\oldnl\numberline% save definition of \numberline
%\renewcommand*{\numberline}[1]{}% change it
%\oldcftsf} % use original \cftsectionfont
%\let\numberline\oldnl% % restore orginal \numberline
%\oldcftspn} % use original \cftsectionafterpnum



Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

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