On 27 July 2010 10:57, Paul Cvancara <cvanc...@faw.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
> Hi! > Thanks for your quick answer. Now there is another problem... If I want to > import the CSV-file, lyx shows following problem: > "test.lyx was created by another lyx-version, but the lyx2lyx-script > couldn't convert the document" (I hope the translation is correct). > But the problem is, that I am using the newest lyx-version. Do you know > where the problem is? > > The script that was called to do the conversion might have been from a previous version of LyX. This error should not occur. Can you give us the Table (CSV) -> LyX converter configuration command (Menu Preferences:File Handling:Converters), your actual LyX version from the "Help:About" menu and whether your LYX_HOME/Resources/scripts/csv2lyx.py contains the string "#csv2lyx created this file \lyxformat 276" ? My screencast was made with LyX 1.6.7 and my CSV to LyX command configuration was "python -tt $$s/scripts/csv2lyx.py $$i $$o". The intermediate file created by the csv2lyx.py script should be of a format compatible with your current LyX, which would mean that lyx2lyx never would need to be called. lyx2lyx would be called if you were converting from a file created by an older version of LyX, which should not be the case. Best regards, Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux, EIT Electrical engineering masters student, ETS (http://www.etsmtl.ca) Project AREXIMAS (http://areximas.etsmtl.ca)