Dear LyX users,

I have some .tex files written for a previous paper and now wish to include then into a master lyx file, but am having problems with pictures. I have a master lyxfile, then in a subfolder I have all the lyx files and tex files to include. In /subfolder/pictures i have all the pictures.

If I now include /subfolder/test.tex in the master lyx file, and it has \includegraphics{testpicture.eps} in the tex file (as there was originally a \graphicspath{/pictures/} in the tex file for the paper) then when generating a pdf in lyx the testpicture-eps-converted-to.pdf cannot be found on compiling, and the picture doesn't appear.

Things I have unsuccessfully tried:

adding \usepackage{epstopdf} in the master lyx file preamble (otherwise .eps is an unrecognised format).

adding \graphicspath{/subfolder/pictures/} into the master lyx file preamble.

changing graphics includes in the .tex file to include the pictures extension, i.e. \includegraphics{/pictures/testpicture.eps} .

moving the testpicture.eps and testpicture-eps-converted-to.pdf files into the subfolder, and the folder containing the lyx master file.

Any ideas?? Thanks for your help. I am using LyX 1.6 under windows.


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