> Out of curiosity, do you notice the performance lags when using the
expanded outline/corkboard widget?

Nope, it doesn't happen! which is incredibly good news!


Jose Quesada, PhD.
Max Planck Institute,
Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition,

2010/6/25 Rob Oakes <lyx-de...@oak-tree.us>

> Hi Vincent,
> << So.. could it be Rob's outliner enhancements then ??? >>
> That's certainly possible, but I think it unlikely.  To the best of my
> knowledge, Jose only began using the branch with the expanded outliner and
> other tools yesterday whereas the problem  has also been seen in  LyX
> and the main trunk.
> With that said, I think that we should be very careful about drawing
> conclusions about the SVN version of LyX from the LyX-Outline branch. The
> outline version has a lot of changes and the code is not particularly
> optimized (though I am working on cleaning it up).  I do find it interesting
> that turning off the Outline pane resolves the problems.
> Out of curiosity, do you notice the performance lags when using the
> expanded outline/corkboard widget?  If not, that would provide an important
> clue as to where the bottleneck is happening.  (My own gut says it has
> something to do with QTreeView on 64 bit systems.  I remember reading
> something about that on a forum a while back.)
> Cheers,
> Rob

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