Here are a few tricks that might help:
1. In your preamble, put: \usepackage[small, compact]{titlesec}
2. Hunt for very short lines at the ends of paragraphs and change the
wording in the paragraph to eliminate them
3. If the journal allows two columns, use that option. It saves ~10%
of space.
4. Decrease the space between lines (see ).
5. If you have figures, wrap the text around them
6. There are packages to reduce spacing between itemized or numbered
lists, if you have any.
Hope these are enough.
On 06/12/2010 03:55 AM, Barak Sh wrote:
Hello all,
An article I'm writing has reached 7 pages where the last page
contains only a small paragraph. Is there a simple way to reduce the
article to 6 pages?
I know it's possible to make fonts a bit smaller throughout the entire
article. This will get the job done, but I have noticed that there are
many blank spaces between paragraphs and between formulas and text.
There must be a simple way to tell LaTeX to make these spaces a bit
smaller so that the article fits comfortably into 6 pages.
(I know there's an option in Document Settings to specify the vertical
separation of paragraphs. It's already at the smallest value.)
Thanks in advance,
Ehud Kaplan, Ph.D.
Jules and Doris Stein Research to Prevent Blindness Professor
Director, The laboratory of Visual& Computational Neuroscience
Departments of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Structural& Chemical Biology,
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave Levy Place
NY, NY, 10029