From: "rgheck" <rgh...@bobjweil.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 1:45 PM
To: "Bruno Cocciaro" <bruno.coccia...@tin.it>
Cc: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Subject: Re: Elseartice on Lyx
Apparently, you are missing the info for this font. I'm not sure why the
elsearticle template wants it, but you can try installing it however
MikTeX allows you to do that.
the folder
C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.8\tex\latex\psnfss
contains the file pifont.sty
I putted that file into that folder after downloaded from web (is that a
wrong action?).
When pifont.sty was not in that folder I was obataining a different error.
This one:
"LaTeX Error: File `pifont.sty' not found."
If I delete the file, reconfigure Lyx, and open again the template
elsarticle, I obtain again the error
"LaTeX Error: File `pifont.sty' not found." when I try to view the pdf.
Bruno Cocciaro
--- Li portammo sull'orlo del baratro e ordinammo loro di volare.
--- Resistevano. Volate, dicemmo. Continuavano a opporre resistenza.
--- Li spingemmo oltre il bordo. E volarono. (G. Apollinaire)