Hello all, I am very new on Lyx (and on Latex too), I hope anyone may help me.
I use Win 7, Lyx 1.6.5, MixTex 2.8. Opening the template elsearticle and trying to view the dvi (same problems if I ask for the pdf or for the ps) I always obtain this: {\Pifont{psy} } I wasn't able to read the size data for this font, so I will ignore the font specification. [Wizards can fix TFM files using TFtoPL/PLtoTF.] You might try inserting a different font spec; e.g., type `I\font<same font id>=<substitute font name>'. And the dvi does not appear. May anyone help me? Tank you very much. Bruno Cocciaro --- Li portammo sull'orlo del baratro e ordinammo loro di volare. --- Resistevano. Volate, dicemmo. Continuavano a opporre resistenza. --- Li spingemmo oltre il bordo. E volarono. (G. Apollinaire)