Considering the amount of time I had to spend in documents which did not run through LyX smoothly it had to do with references containing some characters which bothered the program. I realize that this is not Lyx's fault, but it would be nice to have a feature (or an external prg) checking for those characters.
I am often searching in a data bank such as medline for references which I enter into Jabref, my reference manager. Exporting it into the lyx document is easy, just a click on the lyx icon in Jabref, but finding the bothering reference(s) after trying to export the pdf file is in my hands often very time consuming and frustrating. My solution now is to check after each new reference whether the pdf export is allright. That is cumbersome, but still faster than hunting for the offending characters after entering a big bunch of references. It would be interesting to know, what kind of problems other people of this list do/did experience while working with lyx. Wolfgang